By Janelle Keith
Discouragement hit me when I least expected it. You see, I’d been consistently doing what I needed to reach my fitness goals. I was doing the work and making good choices, so I expected to see progress. But when I didn’t see it, I wanted to give up on my goals. All my good efforts seemed lost and a waste of time.
That is how a fitness roadblock comes to be. It’s tempting to let them get stuck in your head and lose your motivation. Periodically, most of us need an extra boost to get ourselves moving again. Understanding these 5 ways to fight the fitness roadblocks can help you reach your fitness goals.
1. Be flexible.
When picking a routine for regular exercise, you must be flexible. Not only for what works with your busy schedule but also your fitness level. When you hit the wall on a routine, take a look at what worked well and what didn’t. It’s okay to tweak your fitness goals or plans. Rearrange your schedule or increase your repetitions to bring more diversity into your fitness routine. Making small changes is all you need to work a different set of muscles thus making a rut into a better routine.
2. Be a friend to you.
If you have been stopped in your fitness tracks, give yourself another chance. No one is looking but you, so be kinder to yourself by offering grace instead of stringent rules. Don’t over work your body! Do what you can to get back on track and gradually build the intensity. Don’t forget the #1 rule to fitness: Stretch before and after each workout!
3. Rest is your friend!
Have a plan for when you don’t feel well or those sick days! If you are hit with a cold or the flu, rest is the best thing your body needs right now to get you over the hump. We believe that rest is very important. Remember: all movement has benefits!
You won’t lose all the fitness benefits that you have built up. Just start back on the plan as soon as you’re feeling better.
4. Don’t give into silly excuses.
You have everything you need to get into better shape. Good health is free when you use your own body weight for resistance, plus you don’t have to purchase a thing to walk yourself fit! If you have run up against the wall in getting the results you want, remember it’s more about adding overall enjoyment and continued motivation instead of image or performance.
5. Keep on track.
Our minds play tricks on us and convince us that we are moving more than we think. Try adding a little more energy to your steps or intense movements to get larger benefits. Moving longer or a faster pace
will bring more satisfaction to you and keep you moving through those fitness roadblocks.
Consistency brings long-term results. When the roadblocks come, remember why you are doing this and just don’t quit. As you press on, remember you are the only person who will take care of you!
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