In the 1960s DC Comics introduced a comic called Bizarro World, featuring a square planet, where everything was opposite. What would be up on Planet Earth was down. A compliment was an insult. Marilyn Monroe was ugly, and people bought investments guaranteed to lose money.
Well, your favorite hair restoration doctor (me) has found himself doing something that would be a perfect fit for a hair restoration practice on Bizarro’s Planet htraE (Earth spelled backwards).
I’m helping folks get rid of hair. Permanently.
Yes, you read that right.
I recently added Laser Hair Removal to my practice because many of my patients—both men and women—got such great results from their hair restoration treatments that they were getting thicker hair in UNWANTED places. This is especially true for certain prescription medications. Many also asked if there was any modern hair removal process that wasn’t fleeting or downright barbaric.
Documented hair removal tools date to at least 3000 BCE, when the first razors were made from seashells. Egyptians are credited with developing sugar-based waxes similar to what’s used today. And all these centuries later we’re still using archaic practices: tweezing, plucking, waxing (all “ouchies”), and gooey, stinky chemicals. Now, those are some practices that would be blockbusters on htraE!
The good news is that we aren’t living on htraE, and Bauman Medical offers a truly modern technology for hair removal. It’s called Clarity by Lutronic, the most powerful, multi-purpose laser on the market. The Clarity laser employs a unique, state-of-the-art system that provides real-time feedback during the treatment. This feedback allows us to customize your treatment, providing quick, comfortable, and very effective hair removal. Here are some of the reasons I love it:
- It’s twice as fast as any other laser hair removal system on the market.
- Results are permanent because it targets the melanin in the hair follicles, destroying their roots and preventing regrowth
- It can be used on people of all skin types
- It’s virtually pain-free. (Patients most commonly report feeling a warm or tingling sensation.)
Clarity can remove unwanted hair, including vellus hair, the fine “peach fuzz” that some women experience on their face, from virtually anywhere on your body.
What are your “trouble spots”?
For women, they’re typically the upper lip, cheeks, bikini area, legs, arms. underarms, and stomach. For men, common spots include the back, chest, neck, and ears.
So if you’ve got some problem hair and you’re tired of tweezing, shaving, waxing, messy creams, or just “living with it”, then I invite you to try laser hair removal with Clarity here at Bauman Medical.
Growing more of the hair you do want
Now that you know about getting rid of hair, let’s return to Earth and discuss giving you more hair in the place where most people do want it (the head).
It starts with improving your scalp health.
Scalp health is one of the most important factors in growing a beautiful, healthy head of hair, yet it’s something most people never think about—you know, out of sight, out of mind.
Most people only pay attention to their scalp when a problem crops up that they can’t ignore: dry or oily hair, itchiness, flaking (dandruff) or even sensitivity when you comb or brush.
But even if you don’t have those issues, optimizing your scalp health will benefit your hair going forward, because healthy hair starts with a good foundation.
That’s why I created SalonB for both men and women. SalonB is where your scalp takes center stage with the following services.
Trichological evaluation
- This 60-minute service consists of an in-depth evaluation of your scalp. It addresses every possible aspect of scalp health including:
- Determining the acid mantle (pH) balance of your scalp
- Sebum production and hydration status (is it too oily, blocking the hydration element? Is it too hydrated, impeding the secretion of oil?)
- Measuring your scalp’s elasticity
- Microscopic photos to see what’s happening on your scalp (looking for inflammation, dandruff, and other abnormalities like evidence of microorganism overgrowth)
- Asking questions about your lifestyle, health and your stress levels
Your evaluation is followed by an analysis used for formulating a treatment plan and perhaps recommending a Scientific Scalp Makeover™ (see below). You might also receive recommendations of some high-quality hair products that we’ve carefully chosen for you that will help, not hinder, the health of your particular scalp.
Note: Everyone’s scalp is as unique as a thumbprint and can change over time. These recommendations take the guesswork out for you. You won’t encounter this type of hair product customization by speculating on what your scalp issues are and reading labels on over-the-counter products that end up being exactly what you shouldn’t be using.
- Scientific Scalp Makeover™
- Scientific Scalp Makeovers are for everyone, not just for people who had a trichological evaluation. Lots of our patients come just for the chance to relax and rewind with a therapeutic, 90-minute-to-three-hour session in our “head-spa” room.* We dim the lights and provide a variety of soothing treatments including:
- Aromatherapy treatment
- A customized scalp mask treatment for optimum scalp health and hair beauty
- A deep scalp massage to stimulate and purify the scalp, and increase circulation
- Deep cleansing shampoo
A customized conditioner or hair mask
*(Warning: these sessions are so relaxing you may fall asleep).
A scalp makeover is beneficial whether you’ve had a hair transplant, are using our other services, are concerned about your hair quality, or simply enjoy an occasional indulgence.
These sessions are more than an indulgence. They are necessity for people whose hair isn’t responding like it used to. Your scalp is skin, too, so treat it like skin.
Want out-of-this-world results that will make you the opposite of unhappy with your hair?
No need to travel to htraE. We have everything you need right here on our own planet.
Pick up the phone and call us at 561-220-3480.
We’ll be glad to tell you about the many options we offer, including a private one-on-one in-person or virtual consultation.
Bauman Medical
Hair Restoration for Men and Women