A Proven Treatment Option For Your Back Pain

A Proven Treatment Option For Your Back PainDo you have back pain? Are you suffering in silence from stiffness, limited range of motion, and excruciating agony? You Are not alone, 80% of the population has some extent of back pain, and the standard of care is typically through addictive drugs that mask the symptoms of pain or risky surgery that all too often is unsuccessful.
There is a better way, a proven way, one in which has allowed many individuals to find freedom from pain.
‘”The DRX9000 is an excellent noninvasive modality for treating the pain of acute injuries or for chronic pain from degenerative or herniated discs,” explains Dr. Reimer. “This technology incorporates innovations in spinal decompression therapy that offer relief for persistent back pain without medication or surgery. Gentle decompression enlarges disc space and eases the herniated or degenerative discs back into proper position, restoring nutrients and blood flow.”
One design element of the DRX9000 makes therapy particularly easy on the patient. Whereas other spinal decompression systems rely on the patient’s strength to stay in position while the machine works, the DRX9000 has specially designed harnesses to hold the patient securely in place.
“The harnesses allow the patient to relax while the equipment slowly and gently stretches the spine,” states Dr. Reimer. “In fact, patients have been known to fall asleep during treatment because they are so relaxed. For a noninvasive machine, it has gotten excellent results from patients with all causes of back pain, such as herniated, bulging, or degenerative discs, which make for challenging cases, as well as for some of the simpler cases. I’ve been utilizing it in Palm Beach County for approximately 12 years, and we have had excellent effectiveness with it. We have had patients who got immediate relief and some who have had to go through longer protocols, but overall the success rate has been very high.”
American Med Care Center offers a full complement of treatment modalities, including ultrasound, electrical muscle stimulation, and cervical and lumbar traction. Dr. Reimer and his staff are pleased to be able to offer a comprehensive set of options for all of their patients.
Patient Approved
The DRX9000 treatment has enabled Rob to spend quality time with his family once again.
“When l went to Dr. Reimer, one of my goals was to take my three-year-old daughter for her first trip to Disney World,” he explains. “At that point, I could walk, but it was very, very painful. I told him that l had that goal to go there and be able to walk around. A month and a half later, we went to Disney World, and l wouldn’t have had a good time there if it wasn’t for Dr. Reimer. My pain level used to be about an eight or nine throughout the day, and now it’s down to a one or two. It’s virtually gone.”
Rob credits Dr. Reimer for being attentive and listening to his concerns, and for finding the right treatment for his problem, instead of just treating the symptoms.
“Dr. Reimer is very pleasant and easygoing, but he’s also very professional,” assures Rob. “He does an extremely thorough examination, unlike any other chiropractor I’ve ever been to. He and the staff are like family. I can’t say enough about them. They’re just great.”
“American Med Care Center is part of a new model of healthcare that is emerging.” Dr. Reimer states. “With advances in technology, a Wellness Revolution is occurring. Science is allowing us to better study the natural design and true physiological function of the body. Pain is seen as an important clue, proper function is seen as the physician’s goal and the stability of the systems of the body is the culmination of the therapy with the participation of the patient.”
American Med Care Center offers a variety of treatment options for chronic back pain, sciatica, herniated or bulging discs, spinal stenosis, and Failed Back Surgery Syndrome. To schedule an appointment, call the office at (561) 967-6655, or visit treatingyourbackpain.com.
3200 Forest Hill BLVD
West Palm Beach, FL 33406

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