Are You Struggling With Hearing Loss?

Hearing  LossDebra Shadoff, Doctor of Audiology, has been practicing in Palm Beach County for over 25 years. Prior to opening Audiology with a Heart in 2004, she worked for the Deaf Service Center/Hearing Wellness Center in West Palm Beach.

Dr. Shadoff received her Bachelor of Science degree from the University of New Hampshire, her Master’s degree from Gallaudet University and her Doctor of Audiology from A.T. Still University. She credits reading the life stories of Helen Keller and Laura Bridgman for her interest in hearing loss and American Sign Language. While in school, Audiology offered a unique way to bridge medicine, psychology and technology which appealed to her desire to help people.

Audiology with a Heart was established in 2004 to address the needs of the hearing impaired in a no-pressure, non-profit environment. Her goal is to help people navigate the confusing world of hearing loss, whether you are new to hearing aids or an experienced user. The agency attends health fairs and offers presentations to clubs and other groups: awareness about the effects of hearing loss is key to treating that hearing loss.

Audiology with a Heart is partnered with the State of Florida amplified phone program where the state provides an amplified telephone at no cost to any Florida resident that has a hearing loss. Visit for more information.

In 2022, Audiology with a Heart was awarded the “Best Place in Palm Beach County to get Hearing Aids” through the Best of Palm Beach contest through the Palm Beach Post. The office is a finalist for the 2023 award and Debra herself is in the finals for Best Audiologist in Palm Beach County.

Dr. Shadoff is an avid reader and loves to spend time with her family and dogs. Weekends will find her wandering the West Palm Beach Greenmarket and watching football (go Pats!). She likes to bake and will often bring baked goods into the office to share with her patients.

Audiology with a Heart

(561) 366-7219
2324 S. Congress Ave.
Suite 2G Palm Springs, FL 33406

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