"Are your silver fillings making you Sick?" Dr Oz investigates

By Natalia Tsar, DDS, LVIF –
Are your silver fillings making you SickOn his show airing March 23, 2013, Dr. Oz posed the question “Are your silver fillings making you sick?”
Silver fillings A.K.A. amalgam fillings A.K.A mercury amalgam fillings have been used to fill and restore teeth for over 150 years. And the controversy surrounding their safety has been around just as long.
Dental amalgam, along with a mixture of other metals, consists of 50% mercury. We know mercury amalgam fillings release mercury vapors and that 80% of the inhaled mercury vapor is absorbed through our lungs and into our bloodstream. The health effects from excessive mercury exposure include tremors, impaired vision and hearing, paralysis, insomnia, emotional instability, developmental deficits during fetal development, and attention deficit and developmental delays during childhood.
Studies between Sweden and the United States have resulted in conflicting reports. In Sweden, they have conducted a number of studies where people, with pre-existing neurological and health issues had amalgams removed; 78% reported improvement in their health status. In the United States, official studies hired by the FDA and National Institutes of Health (NIH) stated that “the current data is insufficient to support an association between mercury release from amalgams and the various complaints that have been attributed to this restorative material.”
While 47% of US dentist still place amalgam fillings and the ADA (American Dental Association) says “Dental amalgam (silver filling) is considered a safe, affordable and durable material”, the use of Mercury Amalgam has been banned in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. Germany, Austria, and Canada recommends against placing amalgam in certain individuals such as pregnant women, children, those with renal dysfunction, and those with an allergy to metals contained in dental amalgam. In the US, many states are undertaking both regulatory and non-regulatory activities to ensure proper management of mercury-containing dental amalgam and Maine, California, Connecticut, and Vermont have enacted informed consent legislation for dental patients receiving mercury containing dental restorations.
As the controversy continues there is one thing that is undeniable. We have a CHOICE.  Inadvertent exposures to health hazards are inevitable. So why purposely expose ourselves? With advances in adhesive dentistry there are excellent alternative materials. With composite fillings, porcelain inlays/onlays and CAD/CAM (CEREC) generated inlays/onlays, we are able get strength, esthetics and biocompatibility. In addition these types of restorations allow for a more conservative tooth preparation and preservation of the natural tooth.
If you currently have mercury amalgam fillings and are concerned, consult with your dentist to see if the following conditions exist for you.  Keep in mind the most exposure we have to the mercury vapor is during placement and removal of the filling.
You may want to consider having them removed if the fillings are leaking, there is recurrent decay, the tooth structure is compromised (cracks or fractures), the filling is older than 20 years, if they appear black. Or according to WHO (World Health Organization), your personal habits greatly increase your exposure to mercury vapors, such as an acidic diet, drinking carbonated soft drinks, chewing gum, grinding your teeth or if you have more than eight mercury amalgam fillings.
You will also want to make sure that you and your dentist take the recommended safety precautions when having these mercury fillings removed.
Dr. Natalia Tsar is one of the few Dentists on the East Coast of Florida to offer neuromuscular dentistry, which considers the actual positioning and function of the jaw. Neuromuscular dentists seek to establish a harmonious relationship  of  the teeth, muscles and jaw joints, helping to relieve problems that occur with misaligned bites such headaches, migraines, neck pain, jaw pain, and chipped or fractured teeth.
Dr. Tsar graduated Cum Laude from University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine where she was in the top 10 in her class and received 12 clinical awards. While developing and growing her dental practice in Utica, NY, she continued her training in orthodontics, TMJ and cosmetic dentistry. She has been awarded a fellowship from the prestigious Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies.
When not taking care of her patients, Dr. Tsar spends time being active in tennis, golf and soccer with her husband and two young boys. She enjoys a healthy life style which she approaches holistically including a healthy diet, staying active and regular yoga practice. Dr. Tsar also carries this holistic approach into her dental practice.
Tsar Dental Excellence – 561.833.2364

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