Balance for Life Oceanfront Retreat

Transformative Health Retreat Unveils the Power of Water Fasting, Juice Cleansing, and a Plant-Based Lifestyle

With over thirty years of experience, in the health and wellness industry, numerous awards and many Google 5 star reviews Balance for life retreat, is a beacon of holistic health, located right here in our home state of Florida.

Balance for Life This sanctuary for well-being seamlessly integrates, personal coaching, education, and medical supervision, to broadcast the profound benefits of water fasting, juice cleansing, and a plant-based, lifestyle. Balance for life’s unique approach of small intimate groups offers that personal attention we all deserve.

BALANCE FOR LIFE, roots, revolvearound the ancient wisdom of achieving harmony within the body, combining mind, and spirit. However our mission is about helping people start, improve, or increase their personal growth to wellness. “Making a difference in peoples lives is the spiritual side of Balance, it is what drives us, explains Harold Lebovic, owner and brain child behind Balance for Life.

Combining, relaxation, education, with fitness, and the center of attention our water fasting, juice cleansing, and a plant-based lifestyle at the forefront, and focus of all our retreats, we offer you to pick up the phone, let’s talk wellness.

Water Fasting: A Science Based Gateway to Renewal, is a pillar of popularity.
At Balance for Life, water fasting is not merely a practice; it is an art form carefully curated to cleanse, rejuvenate, and revitalize. This process often reverses many chronic diseases and conditions. The therapeutic process involves abstaining from solid foods and nourishing the body with pure, hydrating water. Supervised by nationally acclaimed Dr. Frank Sabatino and a team of experienced professionals, participants embark on a personalized fasting journey, tapping into the body’s natural detoxification processes.

The benefits of water fasting extend beyond physical detoxification, reaching into the realms of mental clarity and emotional well-being. By allowing the digestive system to rest, participants experience heightened focus, improved cognitive function, and a profound sense of inner calm. This mindful approach to fasting is a cornerstone of the Balance for Life experience. Over the years, our clients, have raved about the results, and that is what keeps them coming back. Week, after week, water, plant, or juice, clients have revisited, two, three or even more retreats.

Juice Fasting: Boosting Vitamin and Revitalizing Energy
Juice fasting, a powerful detox trend, offers various health benefits. Packed with vitamins and antioxidants, fresh juices support immune function and promote glowing skin. Fasting gives the digestive system a break, allowing the body to focus on repair and regeneration. Improved energy levels, mental clarity, and weight loss are common outcomes. Additionally, juice fasting may help break unhealthy eating patterns, fostering better dietary choices and reversing chronic illness like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Plant-Based Delights: Cultivating Wellness from Within
Celebrating the bounty of nature, Balance for Life crafts delectable, nutrient-rich meals that harness the power of whole, plant-based ingredients. From vibrant salads bursting with antioxidants to hearty vegetable-based stews, each dish is a celebration of flavor and well-being.
A plant-based diet has been scientifically proven to lower the risk of and even reverse chronic diseases, enhance heart health, and contribute to sustainable weight management. The culinary artisans at Balance for Life skillfully blend creativity and nutritional expertise, ensuring that every meal not only satisfies the palate but also nurtures the body at a cellular level. All meals are SOS (no salt, oil, or sugar).

The food reviews from clients are one of the most talked about topics of the week. We pride ourselves on the delicious dishes our culinary artisans create.

Synergy of Balance: Unleashing Holistic Wellness
What sets Balance for Life apart is its seamless integration of creating a synergistic approach to holistic wellness. As participants engage in the practices that fit their individual goals, they embark on a journey that harmonizes the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of their being.

The retreat’s seasoned health experts carefully tailor each program to meet individual needs, ensuring a supportive and transformative experience. From educational workshops, fitness classes, educational seminars on mindful eating to meditation sessions promoting emotional balance, every aspect of the retreat is designed to foster a profound sense of well-being. Be prepared to make a few new friends along the way, our community is built during retreats and the bonds of friendships return home.

Recognition and Awards: Testaments to Excellence
Balance for Life’s commitment to excellence in health and wellness has not gone unnoticed. The retreat has garnered prestigious awards, affirming its status as a trailblazer in the industry. The recognition serves as a testament to the positive impact experienced by those who have embraced the transformative journey offered by Balance for Life.

Balance for Life emerges as an award-winning sea side haven for those seeking a holistic approach to health and wellness. By harmonizing the ancient practice of water fasting & juice fasting with the vitality of a plant-based diet, this retreat provides a experience that extends beyond physical well-being, reaching into the realms of mental clarity, emotional balance, and overall vitality. Embark on a journey with Balance for Life, where the art of balance becomes the key to unlocking your full potential for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Come and join the Balance for Life family for a week long retreat and you be the judge of the value they offer. Unsure which program is right for you? Reach out to them, speak to Terry, our hostess with the mostest, as she has been described.

Or if you need to gather medical information or just talk about your personal health situation reach out to Dr. Frank Sabatino.

Dr. Frank Sabatino is a plant based physician and past Health Director of the Shangri-La Natural Hygiene Institute, Wellness Resort, and the Balance for Life Health Retreat where he cared for, lectured and inspired thousands of people for over 45 years.

Dr Frank Sabatino is a chiropractic physician with a PhD in Neuroendocrinology from the Emory University School of Medicine. He is one of the world’s leading experts in water only fasting and the Director of the Balance for Life lifestyle and fasting retreats in Deerfield Beach, FL.

He has also written numerous articles for lay magazines and journals in the areas of clinical, nutrition, healthy weight loss, women’s hormones, epigenetics, stress management, addiction, and healthy aging.

He has been featured in a variety of books, news articles, and cable TV programs including CNN. Dr. Sabatino is a past member of the prestigious Brookdale fellowship in Gerontology and Aging. As a member of the International Association of Hygienic Physicians, he is also widely recognized as an expert in water only fasting and integrative health care. His book: WEIGHTLESS: Compassionate Weight Loss for Life (in press) and his online course: Lean for Life: The Science of Effective Weight Loss promote the most comprehensive plant-based solution and lifestyle strategies for solving the pandemic of obesity. Dr Sabatino is currently The Director of Health Education for The National Health Association (NHA), the oldest plant-based health organization, as well as a research consultant for the True North Health Foundation and the Complementary Medical Association (CMA) in England. He is also an addiction specialist certified by the American College of Addictionology and Compulsive Disorder and is a proponent of Oriental energy arts and a long-time teacher and student of tai-chi and qi gong.


2096 NE 2nd St,
Deerfield Beach, FL 33441

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