Be Active! Get Out! Exercise and Run!

By Dr. Karl Michel
Exercise and RunFor many of us, the spring weather has arrived or is on the way. My favorite time of year! The cool, breezy weather is welcomed by most as relief from those cold winter days.  It is the perfect time of the year to start exercising.  What would drive someone to jump out of bed in the early morning hours to exercise for a few hours, walk or run for countless miles before most people even hear the alarm go off? Are they crazy? Maybe, but probably not.
Once someone dedicates themselves to exercising, whether as an avenue to lose weight, have more energy, look better, or simply live a healthy lifestyle, they begin to realize the full range of benefits it provides.  Some of those benefits are: improving cardiovascular, mental and overall health. Exercising can also serve as a way to prevent or manage certain diseases such as diabetes and obesity.
Foot structures and functions often impact the ankle, knees, hips and back during some exercises.  The following keys factors are important to understand.  During walking one and a half times the body weight of force is transmitted to the feet.  Three to four times the body weight of force is transmitted to the feet during jogging and running.  Up to eight times the body weight of force is created during certain impact sports such as basketball, tennis, soccer.
Therefore, whether you are walking, jogging or running it is important to consider the exercise surface as a way to prevent injuries.
Some important facts:
Concrete/Macadam/Roads have poor shock absorption, they usually provides excellent traction. Road surfaces are usually banked to permit water runoff after storms. May aggravate the foot, knee, or hip and may help accommodate a runner with a limb length discrepancy.  This surface usually provides predictable terrain (few ruts/holes/rocks).
Grass/Dirt provides greater shock absorption but usually less traction than a road.  Less predictable terrain to run on (increased chance of ruts/holes/rocks).
Outdoor tracks can be considered all weather tracks and are usually rubberized to provide greater shock absorption.  They offer excellent traction as well as a consistent surface in most weather.  Indoor Tracks are usually rubberized to provide greater traction, but are shorter than an outdoor track, causing greater torque on the turns of the track.  With indoor tracks, there is a higher incidence of injury due to the increased force on the extremities on the turns (up to eight times the body’s weight in force that must be absorbed).
Cinder tracks provide good shock absorption, less traction, however the consistency of this surface is weather dependent.
Treadmill provides some shock absorption, excellent traction and is the most consistent surface in any weather (if kept indoors).
Water aquatic training provides an excellent source of cross training while recovering from an injury.  It offers the most shock absorption of any surface, but offers the least traction of all surfaces. It has greater resistance on all muscle groups.
Sand provides excellent shock absorption, but less traction than most surfaces depending on the moisture of the sand. It increases the resistance on most muscle groups.
Proper conditioning is important in the prevention of injuries. Physician clearance and monitoring is important before beginning any new exercise program, therefore, consult your doctor. Stretching / Warm up is best done after a short jog to increase body core temperature. It is important for long, short, or middle distance running.  Some important muscle groups to stretch include: The Gastroc/Soleal complex, the hamstrings, the quadriceps, the low back muscles, the arms/shoulders. Fifteen to eighteen second intervals of stretch with five seconds of rest between each stretch repeated 10 times is ideal.
Appropriate and sports-specific shoes, good socks, orthotics or insoles will also help in preventing injuries.  Orthotics and Insoles are designed to improve foot function, balance and comfort.  The shape of the shoe should match the shape of the foot. A good shoe provides motion control, stability and shock absorption.  Consult with your podiatrist to determine the best option.
Improper conditioning and training will often lead to ankle sprains, muscle strains, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, nail injuries, runner’s knee, shin splints, stress and traumatic fractures which are common sport’s related injuries treated on a day to day basis at Integrative Foot and Ankle in West Palm Beach.
Did you know that every minute of walking adds two minutes to your life? So, it is never too early or late to make exercise a healthy habit in your life.  Studies have shown that older people who continue to have active lifestyles, experience less health problems as they age.  According to the US Health and Human Service, physical inactivity contributes to 300,000 preventable deaths each year in the United States.
Therefore, be active! Get out! Exercise and Run!

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