Breaking Up Is Hard to Do – But It Can Make You Grow!

www.baumanmedical.comEver noticed how people who’ve gone through a breakup often change their hair style?

Well, if you’re like a lot of people, you may be more than happy to have “broken up” with 2021. And that makes this the perfect time to change – and grow – your hair. At Bauman Medical we have numerous state-of-the-art options to help you do just that, and we promise, revenge will be sweet when you see how great we’ll help you look.

Let me start by telling you about our diagnostic and tracking tools.

Trichotest™: An innovative tool that tests your unique DNA to identify which hair loss treatments are most likely to provide the best results for you. The process involves a simple cheek swab taken in our clinic or at home to obtain a sample of your DNA, and some details about your lifestyle. A computer then analyzes the genetic characteristics of your metabolism contributing to your particular hair loss situation. An algorithm identifies the treatment options likely to be the most beneficial to you, saving time and improving results.

HairMetrix: Uses artificial intelligence to take a snapshot of your scalp without trimming any hair and applies an algorithm to get a readout of your precise hair quantity and quality (and other metrics) in specific areas over time. No “educated guess” required. This information helps us make diagnosis and treatment decisions, and to monitor better than ever before how well you’re responding to your treatment.
HairCheck: Another quick, painless, non-invasive way to measure and track the amount and quality of hair growing on your scalp. It also measures the percentage of hair breakage you’re experiencing, a common cause of hair loss and hair thinning. If you’re on a hair growth or anti-breakage treatment, HairCheck measurements can scientifically verify any changes.

If you’re not ready for a hair transplant (I’ll talk about that in a minute), we’ll be able to take the information from our diagnostic tools and decide what to do next. Here are some of our non-invasive, non-surgical options coming out of the field of regenerative medicine:

Regenerative Approaches
Low-level laser therapy (also known as red light therapy): The medical grade Bauman TURBO LaserCap® is FDA-cleared. It’s portable, hands-free, cordless, rechargeable, and fast, requiring only five minutes of treatment per day for improved hair growth at home. It’s also drug- and chemical-free with no risk of side effects.

Proper and consistent use of medical-grade low-level laser therapy has been scientifically proven to improve hair quality, strength, and thickness, as well as promote hair regrowth.

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma): A comfortable in-office procedure that takes about an hour with no recovery time, downtime, or significant risk. Derived from a small blood sample, platelets and plasma are separated from other components of the blood, concentrated, then painlessly applied into the scalp under local anesthesia where weak hair follicles exist. When performed using the appropriate concentration of platelets and proper application techniques, you can expect hair growth improvements that last a year or more from a single treatment.

PDOgro™: Researched and developed right here at Bauman Medical, we were the first hair restoration clinic in the U.S. to use PDO threads to enhance hair growth. PDO, or polydioxanone, is a synthetic absorbable FDA-cleared material. Used for decades in surgery, and more recently in aesthetic procedures to reverse the appearance of skin aging, PDO threads placed into the scalp have been shown to stimulate hair regrowth. Typically performed in combination with PRP in a no-downtime “lunch-break” procedure, the threads are comfortably applied into the scalp. They dissolve and are absorbed over time, safely stimulating collagen production, new blood vessel formation, and a release of powerful rejuvenating growth factors.

The PDOgro™ procedure may help prevent or reduce the need for future hair transplantation by stopping, slowing, or reversing hair loss.

Hair Transplantation
In some cases, hair loss is so advanced that a hair transplant is the only way to achieve lasting hair regrowth in areas like a receded hairline, thinning crown, or other areas where hair follicles are severely depleted or gone. Luckily, hair transplant procedures have become more effective, comfortable, and 100% natural-looking due to major innovations in techniques and technology.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is one of Bauman Medical’s most popular hair restoration technologies. We employ several types of FUE, depending on your particular need or situation. Using robotics, or with the aid of mechanical instruments, we harvest hair follicles directly from the scalp, replacing the older, invasive method of “strip harvesting.” FUE hair transplantation allows for the harvesting of follicles without leaving behind a telltale linear scar and with the added benefits of a shorter, less restricted, and more comfortable recovery. Results are natural looking, not like the old-fashioned “plugs” that your father or grandfather may have had decades ago.

Learn more
Ready to ditch 2021 and grow in the new year with renewed confidence and self-esteem? Don’t wait another day. Let’s talk to see how we can help.

To learn what treatment regimen is right for you, call 561-220-3480 to schedule your private one-on-one in-person or virtual consultation at

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