North Palm Beach Edition

Fitbella: Relax, Lose Weight & Keep it Off

Are you tired of trying diet after diet only to see the weight come back when you start eating normal foods again? Are you pressed for time and unable to get in an hour workout each day? Are you ready to start your better health journey but find it overwhelming just to think about all the work ahead of you? …

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Only at MDBL – The Stem-Cell Facial

Stem Cell therapy has been used by doctors as early as the 16th century to heal damaged cells or tissue. In the past 10 years modern medicine has again started using this process instead of chemicals to treat illness and/or suppress it. A new Stem Cell Facial therapy uses stem cells derived from sheep’s placenta. The placenta and umbilical cord …

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Mercury Destroys Health… and Likely Is In Your Body Now!

By Bruce R. Dooley, M.D. – Have you ever experienced lapses in memory, unexplainable fatigue or emotional mood swings, including fear, anxiety, loss of confidence or even rage? Do you know anybody with cancer or an autoimmune disease such as M.S., Parkinson’s, or Lupus? Do you know a child with a learning disability such as Attention Deficit Syndrome or someone …

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Joint Replacements and Modern Technologies

By Matthew Stiebel, MD, FRCSC – “The six million dollar man ain’t got nothing on me, Doc!” According to the CDC, arthritis (aka. worn out joint cartilage) is the leading cause of disability in the United States. Over 43 million people suffer from pain due to arthritic joints. While over 800,000 joint replacements were performed in 2003, with the baby …

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Why Do Hearing Aids Cost What They Do?

Written by Susan Lopez Au.D., brought to you by Dana Luzon Au.D. – Hearing aids represent a significant investment because of many factors that go into the total price. Medicare and most insurance companies do not cover ANY of the costs of hearing aids. Hearing aids represent a significant financial investment. The price of a hearing aid covers a number …

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Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disease that slowly destroys the memory, causes a decline in the ability to perform routine tasks, disorientation, difficulty in learning, loss of language skills, impairment in judgment, and personality changes. We can all agree that this is a very accurate description of what occurs. In our society at present we typically just refer …

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Awareness of Movement is Essential for Balance Training

By Dan Goldstein, PT, O/SCS, ATC, GFS – Balance problems are very common for people of all ages, not just the very young and elderly. Do you find yourself feeling unsteady when you get up from sitting in a chair? Or, when walking on uneven surfaces? Do you tend to drift to one side when walking? Our sense of balance …

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Safer and Natural Alternatives for Treatment for Neuropathy

By Dr. Daniel Pero – Neuropathy is a medical condition that is translated from Latin as “nerve disease”.  There are many types of neuropathy that can be found throughout the body. Neuropathy that begins in the hands and feet or other parts of the extremities is considered peripheral neuropathy. This can present as symptoms of numbness, tingling, sharp and shooting …

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Coping with Mental Illness: New Treatment Strategies

By Dr. Kristie DeBlasio, Advanced Mental Health Care – According to the National Institute of Mental Health, it has been projected that 1 in 4 Americans (approximately 26%) aged 18 and older have a mental disorder. These disorders can affect anyone and can cause impairment in functioning in several areas. Without proper treatment, the effects of mental illness can include …

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Acne and Traditional Chinese Medicine

By Stephen Sedita, AP, DOM – Acne is the most common skin disorder and can be a very frustrating condition to live with.  Americans spend millions of dollars each year on a variety of crèmes, salves, and ointments which often fail to produce lasting results. For those who have unsuccessfully tried other forms of acne treatments Dr. Meng can help …

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