North Palm Beach Edition

Do You Have “Invisible Baldness?”

By Dr. Alan J. Bauman, Hair Loss Specialist You can’t always trust the “mirror test” when it comes to spotting hair loss – you could be going bald and not even know it. Invisible baldness is a condition that affects both men and women, typically in their 30s or 40s, but it can begin earlier as well. What is “invisible …

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Neck or Back Pain? Headaches?

New non-invasive technology offers long-term relief. Ever wake up with a crick in your neck so severe you could barely turn your head? Neck pain, which affects up to half of U.S. adults each year, is one of the most common reasons for doctor visits. Yet the pain is often over-treated with drugs, injections, and surgery, which don’t help much …

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Chewing Is Difficult With Missing Teeth: What Can I Do?

Frequently patients come into our office complaining of difficulty chewing. I am not referring to painful chewing, but difficulty due to missing teeth. Unfortunately, patients often look at their teeth in a very different fashion than the rest of their body. Many patients will have teeth removed without replacing them, with the thought that there are many more in the …

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Are you toxic? The question is no longer if you are toxic, the real question is how toxic are you?

Common symptoms indicating excessive toxins: fatigue, depression, headaches, brain fog, poor memory, tremors, and coordination issues. The lymphatic system absorbs toxins and metabolic waste products. Congested lymphatic fluid is laden with toxins that cannot be efficiently eliminated impairing the immune system. The body contains three times more lymph fluid than blood. Through a complex network lymphatic fluid is carried to …

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Pediatric Reflux Disease: Helping you Decode Its Symptoms

by Enrique Hernandez-Sanchez, M.D. Pediatric Gastroenterologist Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when gastric contents flow back into the esophagus, leading to complications such as inflammation of the esophagus, failure to gain weight, respiratory symptoms or choking. GERD is extremely prevalent among babies, with up to 20% incidence among full term babies and up to 40% incidence on premature babies. With …

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New 3D-Printed Hair: Is it Right for You?

By Dr. Alan J. Bauman, Hair Loss Specialist For most anyone experiencing hair loss, the situation can be a significant cause of stress, anxiety and concern. Shedding significant amounts of hair and seeing more scalp shining through can negatively impact hair styling, disrupt our mood and lower our self-esteem. While medical treatments for hair loss have advanced tremendously over the …

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Head, Neck and Oral Cancers Often Found in Routine Exams

April is the national awareness month for Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal (Head and Neck) Cancers. While not as common as some other types of malignancies, these cancers can often be discovered during routine screening exams by a dentist, medical doctor, dental hygienist, or even by self-exam. According to the American Cancer Society, some of the early warning signs and symptoms …

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Depression Doesn’t Have to Ruin your Life

by Michael Cohen, Director Center for Brain Jupiter Florida Depression can ruin your life. You don’t feel like doing anything or going anywhere. It destroys your hope. It destroys yourjoy. It can make your body hurt. It bashes your self-esteem, impacts your relationships and gives you dark thoughts no one should have. You can’t talk yourself out of depression. You …

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Revolutionary Treatment for Pain Restores Function and Mobility

Neck pain can be debilitating. Pain can radiate from the neck to the back down the arms and sometimes even down to the hips and legs. Neck pain can create chronic and intense headaches. The neck itself can become stiff with a decreased range of motion where pain is often worsened with movement. 70% of individuals experience neck pain that …

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Ten Best Anti-Aging & Cosmetic Procedures for Men during Lunch

When you think of cosmetic procedures you generally think of something that’s of interest to women only, however, more and more men are interested in feeling and looking good. Sometimes men could be reluctant or shy to inquire about available cosmetic procedures. I would like to demystify my 10 favorite procedures that men can do without downtime that truly make …

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