North Palm Beach Edition

Electrolysis or Laser Hair Removal – Which is Right for You?

by Janet Robbins Looking to get rid of unwanted hair? It’s a common concern. And there are two primary options available, electrolysis and laser treatment, but how do you know which one is best for you. Well, read on. There are many factors to consider, and it’s always best to meet with your specialist first (I give a free consultation …

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The "Gold Standard" For Eliminating Spider Veins

For men and women plagued with unsightly spider and varicose veins the choice to wear shorts or sandals may be non-existent. There are a variety of treatments available claiming to eliminate these pesky veins, however, sclerotherapy remains the “gold standard” for elimination. Sclerotherapy is the art and science of collapsing or closing veins. A very tiny needle is carefully place …

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A New Alzheimer’s Clinical Study Opportunity Right Here In Palm Beach

By Dr. Laszlo Mate The MINDSET study is a phase 3 clinical research study evaluating a new investigational treatment for mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease. This study drug, known as RVT-101, is being studied as an add-on therapy to donepezil (sometimes known as Aricept®), the most widely used medicine to treat Alzheimer’s disease today. In a previous 684-patient clinical study, the combination …

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Hair Loss has Deep Rooted Effects on Women

By Alan J. Bauman, M.D. A woman’s hair is her crowning glory. Until you start to lose it. Over 30 million women in the U.S. are suffering from hair loss or thinning, and while hair loss is often falsely thought of as merely a cosmetic problem, surveys and studies have found that hair loss can have wide-ranging effects on those …

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Your Health by Numbers – What Is Metabolic Syndrome?

By Susan Peacock MSRDN Your body lives by rules measured by numbers. Metabolic syndrome is the name for a group of risk factors that raises your risk for heart disease, diabetes and stroke. The term “metabolic” refers to the biochemical processes involved in the body’s normal functioning. Risk factors are traits, conditions, or habits that increase your chance of developing …

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Smile in a Day

Learn about the revolutionary benefits of Dental Implants at our Complimentary Seminar DENTAL IMPLANTS: A Permanent Solution to missing or Damaged Teeth Friday May 6 at 10:00 AM SEATED IS LIMITED. CALL TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT. 561-627-9000 Imagine a world where you can eat anything you want, taste food again, have no pain when you chew or eat, no longer …

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Do You Suffer from Chronic Pain?

Feel like You’ve Tried Everything? Your Doctor Doesn’t Know What Else to Do? Medication Not a Good Solution? By Mike Cohen, Director. Center for Brain You don’t have to struggle with chronic pain for the rest of your life If you’re reading this, you’re probably desperately seeking a solution for chronic pain. You’ve likely sought help from several healthcare professionals, …

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Effective Treatment for Menopause and Weight Gain

Menopause is an inevitable part of a woman’s life, whether brought on by necessary surgery or the natural progression of time. The symptoms often interfere with daily living and change women in a way that interferes with positive self image and emotions. As women approach menopause they endure many symptoms, but one that proves the most difficult for many women …

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What is CBD and the medical treatment it provides

Jeff Mandall, owner of Vapor Rocket, South Florida CBD, and on the board of directors for Miami Beach Community Health Centers is the local expert about CBD and its use. He prides himself in working with area medical providers to educate, and facilitate treatment of patients with a multitude of different health problems. We went straight to the expert to …

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6 Possible Reasons Behind Your Hair Loss

By Alan J. Bauman, M.D. The hair restoration field is constantly evolving and advancing, as each year, we learn more about the root causes of hair loss. Each discovery is bringing us closer and closer to not only understanding why we lose our hair, but what we can do to both treat, and prevent it. We’ve already taken another step …

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