North Palm Beach Edition

Why Hypnotherapy Works!

By Dr. Dave DiSano Hypnotherapy, or hypnosis is the external power of suggestion. It is usually performed by a professional versed in the use of the power of suggestion.  It changes that inner voice, our subconscious, thereby changing our conscious mind, and our behavior. Hypnotism is not new, it dates back beyond recorded human history. The first practitioners of hypnotism …

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By Mitchell Ghen, D.O., Ph.D. Do you wait to get sick like most do, or would you like to begin to understand the workings of cellular medicine so you can prevent disease. We are 100 to 200 trillion cells according to all of the textbooks of biochemistry and physiology. We survive and thrive by certain vitamins and nutrients that are …

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The "Gold Standard" For Eliminating Spider Veins

For men and women plagued with unsightly spider and varicose veins the choice to wear shorts or sandals may be non-existent. There are a variety of treatments available claiming to eliminate these pesky veins, however, sclerotherapy remains the “gold standard” for elimination. Sclerotherapy is the art and science of collapsing or closing veins. A very tiny needle is carefully place …

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Colorectal cancer—cancer of the colon and rectum—is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States for both men and women combined. The general population faces a lifetime risk for developing the disease of about 5 percent, while someone whose family has a history of colorectal cancer has a 10 to 15 percent chance of developing the disease. …

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Spring (Change) is in the Air

Brent Myers Spring ushers in a new season. It signals the end of “winter” and the beginning of something new. Spring brings new flowers, warmer temperatures, greener grass, and another baseball season. Spring also brings another ritual for many people: cleaning. Yep – good ol’ fashioned spring cleaning. “Out with the old and in with the new.” Perhaps this annual …

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Let’s start the New Year off right with the help of Florida Bariatrics and Wellness Center. It is time to lose the weight and improve your health.

• Are you overweight with a BMI of 35 or higher? • Do you have serious health problems due to your weight? • Have you been unable to lose weight on your own with diet and exercise? • Are you ready to make major lifestyle changes to facilitate your weight loss? If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, …

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Let’s start the New Year off right with the help of Florida Bariatrics and Wellness Center.

It is time to lose the weight and improve your health. • Are you overweight with a BMI of 35 or higher? • Do you have serious health problems due to your weight? • Have you been unable to lose weight on your own with diet and exercise? • Are you ready to make major lifestyle changes to facilitate your …

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Therapeutic options to improve blood circulation

Blood circulation is one of the most important components of our overall health and well-being. When clinical symptoms begin to arise due to poor circulation it’s vital to seek preventative treatment options to avoid further complications.Common signs and symptoms that occur are fluid accumulation in a limb, a feeling of heaviness or tightness, thickening of the skin, pain or redness …

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Hearing Aids Shown to Reduce Risk of Cognitive Decline

Submitted by Dana Luzon, Au.D. CC-A, FAAA Written by Eastside Audiology & Hearing Services Hearing loss has been shown to be associated with a number of different health problems, from diabetes to cardiovascular problems. This really makes hearing loss a window into your overall health. Audiologists and other hearing health professionals have long believed that there is also a connection …

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Holiday Stress and Weight Gain

The combination most dreaded by American’s can be avoided with a few simple steps. It was not surprising to learn that holiday weight gain ranked second in what people dread most about the holidays. Gaining weight is on the minds of many Americans and for good reason. According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) of the Centers for …

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