North Palm Beach Edition

Make 2016 A Great Hair Year!

By Alan J. Bauman, M.D. Is hair loss standing in your way of becoming a “new you” in the New Year? If thinning hair is an issue you’re hoping to tackle in this year, you are in luck, because there are an abundance of options available to treat hair loss at every stage. From the first signs of thinning to …

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The Reconnection® Heal Others, Heal Yourself

Reconnective Healing: ‘Information Medicine’ in the 21st Century This is New, this is Different, this is Real! By Jackie Lapin Today’s headlines are filled with stories that chronicle our broken medical system, the people who suffer because of a failed safety net, or who cannot afford the care that would help them. And still more people are written about who …

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Personally, I am fascinated with the whole selfie concept. I wonder: do people think so much of themselves that they want others to look at them? Or do they think so little of themselves that they portray an unrealistic image through photos? Or maybe they just do it for fun? Who knows? But what I do know is that the …

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What Are Floaters and Flashes?

By Lauren R. Rosecan, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. – You may sometimes see small specks or clouds moving in your field of vision. These are called floaters. You can often see them when looking at a plain background, like a blank wall or blue sky. Floaters are actually tiny clumps of cells or material inside the vitreous, the clear, gel-like fluid …

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Holiday Stress and Weight Gain: The combination most dreaded by American’s can be avoided with a few simple steps.

It was not surprising to learn that holiday weight gain ranked second in what people dread most about the holidays. Gaining weight is on the minds of many Americans and for good reason. According to the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) revealed, …

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Laser Liposuction

Laser Liposuction has been around for many years and should have made traditional liposuction obsolete by now, however many physicians are still performing traditional liposuction for several reasons. It can be performed under general anesthesia, and there is no large investment involved as there is with a laser technology. When a patient is put under general anesthesia, the trauma that …

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By Victoria Zimmer For men and women plagued with unsightly spider and varicose veins the choice to wear shorts or sandals may be non-existent. There are a variety of treatments available claiming to eliminate these pesky veins, however, sclerotherapy remains the “gold standard” for elimination. Sclerotherapy is the art and science of collapsing or closing veins. A very tiny needle …

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If You're Suffering From Nerve Problems In The Arms And Legs, You Must Read This Immediately!

By Richard A. Reiner, D.C. Numbness, tingling and pain is an extremely annoying problem. It may come and go…interrupt your sleep…and even makes your arms and legs feel weak. Maybe you’ve even been to other doctors and they claim all your tests indicate you should feel fine. If You Read Nothing Else, Read This: More than 20 million Americans suffer …

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Beyond the Scalp, Bizarre Bald

When we think of hair loss, we of course think of the hair on our head. This isn’t surprising, especially when you think that over 80 million men and women are suffering from hair loss. But while receding hairlines and bald spots may be the most obvious, hair loss can come in many forms. There are several bizarre areas where …

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Wanting to Eliminate Your Double Chin?

If you are one of the thousands of people bothered by the anatomy of your chin, then you are not alone. Many of us struggle with the battle of losing weight only for it all to come right back. This can be very difficult and stressful. However, the struggle is no surprise. Access to eating poorly is all too easy. …

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