North Palm Beach Edition

Smoking and Hearing Loss

By Dr. Dana Luzon, Au.D CC-A, FAAA “Cigarette Smoking and Hearing Loss: The Epidemiology of Hearing Loss Study,” published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, evaluated the association between cigarette smoking and hearing loss in a large population. The study revealed that people who smoke are almost twice as likely as nonsmokers to develop hearing loss. Also, those …

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The Obesity Struggle

Florida Bariatrics and Wellness Center offers a comprehensive bariatric surgical program as well as a medical weight loss program to its patients.  Obesity continues to be one of the most prevalent health care issues in the nation; recent CDC statics shows that more than 1 in 3 adults (34.9% or 78.6 million) are obese. More alarmingly, despite recent declines in …

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Laser Therapy can be 90% Effective at Relieving Inflammation and Pain

Cold Laser Therapy or Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a treatment that utilizes specific wavelengths of light to interact with tissue and is thought to help accelerate the healing process. It can be used on patients who suffer from a variety of acute and chronic conditions in order to help eliminate pain, swelling, reduce spasms and increase functionality. How …

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What is a Periodontal Examination and Why You Need One

A recent major study reported that 1 in 2 adults over the age of 30 have periodontal disease. This may be even more important as periodontal disease has been linked to significant medical issues such as heart attacks, stroke, respiratory issues and even pre-term low birth weight babies. What is Periodontal Disease: Periodontal disease is a term that includes a …

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Hormones are for life (part 1)

By Dr. Mitchell Ghen From my clinical experience, I see that people are confused when they hear the word hormone and are often without real understanding, even become afraid, mostly because of ignorance, about true nature, importance, and the many functions hormones have in our bodies. Hormones are substances our bodies required in adequate amounts for life. They allow our …

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By Alyssa Parker The holidays are right around the comer, which means many will be traveling to visit their loved ones, or for those of you who are snow birds you’re heading home to the warm weather down south. Many individuals choose air travel to reach their destination. For those who suffer from venous insufficiency or lymphedema this can be …

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How Super Oxygen Can Change Your Life

By Dr. Steve Lanoff and Cyndi Menaker,  LMT Super Oxygen is a strategic approach to longevity, healthy living and overall vitality.  It goes beyond a quick fix to alleviate symptoms and significantly helps in rebuilding and supporting your body from the inside out! True wellness involves a lifestyle that includes an understanding of how the environment, products we use, foods …

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What Is Histoplasmosis?

What Is Histoplasmosis

By Lauren R. Rosecan, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. – Histoplasmosis is a disease caused when airborne spores of the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum are inhaled into the lungs. This microscopic fungus, sometimes called histo for short, is released into the air when soil is disturbed by plowing fields, sweeping chicken coops, or digging holes. Histoplasmosis initially is a lung infection. However, it …

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Could Stem Cells be the Next Penicillin?

By David Ebner – Staff Writer Chances are that you have heard about stem cells—they have been in the news for years. But did you know that stem cells are being used right now in the United States to treat debilitating lung diseases? Sufferers of diseases like COPD and pulmonary fibrosis are receiving life changing stem cell treatments that just …

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Are You Chronically Anxious? Wish it Could Just Stop?

Have medications failed, or do they have side effects? By Michael Cohen, Founder, Center for Brain Do you or someone you know suffer from anxiety? •    Do you get fearful, tense, or overwhelmed? •    Do you have racing thoughts? •    Have you lost hope of getting rid of anxiety? At Center for Brain, we have a unique program for adults …

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