North Palm Beach Edition

What if Hearing Aids aren’t Enough?

What if Hearing Aids aren’t Enough?

Technology can fix everything, right? We’re constantly bombarded with technology, even in our own homes with computers, cell phone, smart tvs, and even smart homes. Today’s hearing aids are amazing little computers that can improve your lives in so many ways. But what happens when hearing aids alone are not enough? The other day I had a conversation with a …

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Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is the sixth most common cancer worldwide and the sixth leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S., according to the National Cancer Institute. Primary liver cancer occurs most often in adults ages 60+. Childhood liver cancer is rare. Rates are highest in American Indian and Alaska Native persons, and three times more common in men than in …

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Understanding Dry Eye and Blepharitis

Understanding Dry Eye and Blepharitis

By David A. Goldman MD – Dry eye is believed to be one of the most common ocular conditions in the United States. More common in women, one study estimated the prevalence of dry eye in women ≥ 50 years old was 7.8% or 3.23 million women in the US.  Called keratoconjunctivitissicca, the underlying pathology is a decreased production of …

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Gynecologic Cancer

Gynecologic cancers, which impact a woman’s reproductive organs, pose a risk for all women. There are five different types of gynecologic cancer. These are cervical, ovarian, uterine, vaginal and vulvar. Each has distinct signs, symptoms and risk factors. Nearly 115,000 women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with one of these cancers this year. Here, we will break down the …

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Don’t Be “Losin’ It”

Help Us Help You During Alopecia Awareness Month by Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS As I scanned an article the other day in a business magazine about retail theft, I saw the term “loss prevention.” Loss prevention is what stores employ to try to minimize the loss of merchandise people haven’t paid for. It struck me that although I’m a …

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Introducing Alma TED: Elevating Hair Wellness with Cutting-Edge Innovation

Introducing Alma TED:

In the realm of advanced aesthetics, a breakthrough technology has emerged, and it goes by the name of Alma TED. Imagine a solution that rejuvenates hair without any discomfort or recovery time. For the millions affected by hair loss, Alma TED is a game-changing advancement that offers not just hope, but tangible results. Hair loss, a concern faced by over …

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Finally some OTC’s to be excited about!


Long-term readers of this newsletter will know that I have been very skeptical about the products that have been released under the new OTC hearing aid law. I have finally found some devices that I can recommend with confidence. For people that know of the Sennheiser Audiolink, you know that Sennheiser has been in the hearing accessory world for many …

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Accidents happen, long-term effects don’t have to


Chiropractic care, massage and physical therapy has, for decades, been the optimal course of treatment for soft-tissue injuries most commonly related to auto accidents. Cervical sprain/strain injuries, known also as whiplash, are effectively and non-surgically addressed by chiropractic care. Mid and low back pain, which often surfaces several weeks after an accident, can be alleviated with adjustment and realignment of …

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Common Myths About Your Eyes

By David A. Goldman MD – Just because something is a common belief doesn’t make it true. A lot of things you have probably heard about your vision turn out to be false. Here are five common myths that have no basis in science. Sitting too close to the TV will ruin your eyes Your mom may have warned you …

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One Another

It doesn’t take much effort to hear of all the turmoil going on in our nation and around the world. It’s quite frightening at times to think about where this all might end up. But if we’re honest with one another, we really shouldn’t be surprised. Conflict between people has existed since Cain and Abel – and it’s not getting …

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