North Palm Beach Edition

A Frequently Asked Question

Submitted by Dana Luzon, Au.D. CC-A, FAAA Written by Kevin Amdahl, MS Q: “I’ve noticed that I’m not hearing things that I used to. I feel like recently things have been quieter, and I’m just missing things that I usually don’t. Why the sudden change?” A: This is actually a question we hear often. Sound Void. Many of our patients …

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Life Brings Stress, Pain and Health Issues: Isn’t it Time to Fight Back

By Richard A. Reiner, D.C. De-stress, Detox, Cleanse and Rejuvenate for a Balanced and Healthy Lifestyle. The new “Buzz” word in Health Care today is DETOX. There are more articles written every month about Detox than ever before, but most articles are 20% based on facts and 80% the opinion of the author. Television shows like Dr. Oz have episodes …

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If I Never Get Cavities, Do I Need Regular Check-ups?

Patients are aware that it is recommended to have dental check-ups typically twice a year. Often these appointments are delayed or skipped by individuals who rarely, if ever, get cavities. The rationale makes sense… If I never seem to get cavities, then postponing really should not make a difference. It is important to realize that checking for cavities comprises only …

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By Dr. Navarro Everyone is concerned with having beautiful legs and everyone is concerned about their weight. People are also concerned with how to slow down the aging process. I consider myself as a medical investigator. Patients that see me need my help to feel better, so it’s my job to conduct enough research to fully understand and come to …

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Crave Protein and Osteobroth are the Healthy Way to Go For Those Seeking Real Chicken Protein on the Go

CHICAGO, IL – July 27, 2015 – Knowing what the body truly hungers for, a Chicago-based fitness trainer has come up with the perfect healthy solution. Crave Protein ( is the first real chicken protein (RCP) in supplement form. Derived from whole food and made from 100% USDA-inspected chicken, Crave is free from chemicals and highly processed isolates. Interested in …

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Helping Your Child Cope with Back-to-School Anxiety

Anxious feelings are normal and expected during times of transition or change. This is especially true for children and teens going back to school, or for first-timers starting kindergarten. This transition can be stressful and disruptive for the entire family! Prior to the first day of school, your anxious child may cling, cry, have temper tantrums, complain of headaches or …

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By Victoria Zimmer For men and women plagued with unsightly spider and varicose veins the choice to wear shorts or sandals may be non-existent. There are a variety of treatments available claiming to eliminate these pesky veins, however, sclerotherapy remains the “gold standard” for elimination. Sclerotherapy is the art and science of collapsing or closing veins. A very tiny needle …

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Breaking Through

By Brent Myers Two years ago this very month I found myself in what was seemingly a perpetual series of events that turned our world upside down. It was one of the most difficult times of my life. In a very short span of a couple of weeks I found myself having been betrayed by people I love very much,;criticized, …

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Cervical Instability: A Consideration in Post-Concussion Syndrome

Have you suffered a head or neck injury that has left you with chronic pain and debilitating, baffling symptoms that continue to worsen? Finding a specialist in cervical instability may provide answers. Cervical instability occurs when the ligaments are lax and elongated from injury, allowing for an inefficient protective barrier. The cervical vertebrae are held in proper position by ligaments, …

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Beware of Noise Exposure at Concerts and Sporting Events

As an avid concertgoer, I see dozens of live shows every year. But when I look around at the tens of thousands of other people, I am one of the only ones there with hearing protection in my ears. Even children are walking around these concerts unaware of how these volume levels can have permanent damaging effects on their hearing. …

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