North Palm Beach Edition

The DRX 9000 Non-Surgical Technology Relieving Low Back Pain

By Dr. James McErlain, D.C. – If you are one of the millions of Americans suffering from lower back pain you are familiar with the traditionally prescribed course of treatment: refrain from physical activity, take prescribed pain medication and muscle relaxers, and seek the treatment of a physical therapist. If these steps were not effective spinal surgery was the only …

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Effective Weight Loss with Meng’s Acupuncture Medical Center

Weight loss is not as simple as eating less and/or exercising more.  In order to lose weight the body’s waste management and digestive systems need to be functioning properly.  Most importantly to long term success the root cause of the weight gain must be addressed (stress eating, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, etc.)  According to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in order …

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Make this Holiday Season Filled with Fun, Family & Fitness

The Holiday season has arrived along with more festivities, time with family and friends and those yummy treats.  Many anticipate the holidays with mixed emotions, excitement about the season and fun that awaits, and dread of those additional holiday pounds we tend to pack on in November and December. Don’t let this Holiday season derail your fitness and body composition …

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Testosterone linked to Health Concerns in Men

Low testosterone has long been the bane of many men’s existence. It wreaks havoc with your sex drive, causes hair loss, makes you tired and can even change your personality and cause depression. However many men may not realize there are many health issues associated with low testosterone. It is important to understand the health issues that can be caused …

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The Man Who Thought the World Mumbled

Submitted by Dana Luzon, Au.D. CCC-A, FAAA Written by Kevin Amdahl, Au.D., Recently, I saw a patient who I will call John. After discussing what John was experiencing, it was clear that he did not feel like he had a problem. He said that his wife, who will we call Joan, and his children constantly mumbled, or talked too …

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Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

By Suheil Khuri M.D. Metabolic syndrome also called Syndrome X, is a disorder composed of a combination of medical problems that strongly predispose the person to cardiovascular disease. There are five risk factors that are related to metabolic syndrome: 1. Central (visceral, abdominal) Obesity. 2. Elevated Blood Pressure (hypertension) 3. Elevated blood sugar (glucose) (diabetes mellitus). Metabolic syndrome is associated …

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LifeCall® MobileAlert Peace of mind wherever you go.

Are you looking for the best mobile Medical Alert system – one that allows you to summon emergency help 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by simply pressing a help button no matter where you are? Unlike traditional Medical Alert systems that only work in or around the home, MobileAlert devices enable you to participate in activities that …

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Reverse Years with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement

There is an answer thousands of men and women are turning to BHRT (Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy) to eliminate the symptoms above often experienced in periminpause, menopause, or male andropause. What is BioIdentical Hormone Therapy? Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a philosophy or approach to hormone replacement that satisfies 3 key principles: 1. All hormones used are chemically identical …

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Let Excellent Care Help You Beat the Holiday Blues

The holidays are supposed to be a joyful time of good cheer, parties and family gatherings, but it is not unusual for many of us to feel sad, lonely or even anxious during the holidays. This condition, which has come to be called “holiday blues,” can occur with any holiday or vacation time.  It commonly happens at the end of …

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What Motivates You to Give?

By Arlene Knox, Senior Director of Development, Florida SouthWestern State College Foundation I have a pile of envelopes on my desk.  Some are multi-colored, some with pictures of children and families, others with printed messages of hope, and still some with beautiful stamps and graphics. It is the holiday season, and while many are from friends and family, many were …

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