
“Without confidence, I would have quit a long time ago”
– Robert Karlsson European PGA Tour Champion
ConfidenceAs I boarded my flight for the Czech Republic I couldn’t help but think “what have I gotten myself into this time?”
I recalled how much fun It was playing miniature golf for the first time at Coney Island while growing up in NY. The only time on a real golf course was back in 1980 while cutting high school, riding in the passenger seat of Mark Tito’s Ford Pinto, smoking weed while Mark drove on Indian Creek Country Clubs 10th fairway jumping sand traps at 70mph.
Here I was, caught in between fantasy and reality. I knew nothing about golf yet Robert Karlsson believed that I was the “Mental Coach” that could turn his game around. A European Tour Legend of 27 years, Robert was wrestling with retiring or making a decision that he had enough left in his bag to reinvent himself and play another year. After a number of breakthrough sessions, Robert committed to staying on tour. Half way into the 2016 season, Robert invited me to come on tour and be on location for The Czech Masters Tournament and again the following week at The Made in Denmark Tournament.
After many years working with Entrepreneurs and Professional Athletes, there is one thing in common that each of those champions possessed. CONFIDENCE. Without confidence, failure is inevitable. CONFIDENCE isn’t something that you can see, it is an attitude that you experience. CONFIDENCE is the belief that you can do something without ever having the evidence or proof to back it up. It is the belief in one’s self and one’s ability in them self.
Robert Karlsson had not finished in the Top 10 for over 2 years before The Czech Masters Tournament in 2016. Taking the turn on Sunday with 9 holes to go Robert was one stroke off the lead in 2nd place. Unfortunately, three bogies in row on 10, 11, and 12 gave him a 7th place finish yet what a celebration for both of us. Our first tournament together and a Top 10 finish. I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t win yet Robert was elated with his Top 10 outcome.
The following week in Denmark, Robert’s fifth hole was a Par 3 from 90 yards. Instead of standing at the T-box to watch him hit, I walked over to the hole and joined the nearly 300 fans seated on the hill to watch the action. As Robert hit his wedge it headed just over the pin, spun backwards, and went right in for a hole-in-one. The crowd erupted with the loudest roar I had ever heard. As a fan, it was by far the most exciting moment I had ever experienced in any sport. As tears filled my eyes and my heart welled up with pride for my client, I realized 2 very important truths at that moment.
The first truth was that I had helped my client to regain his Confidence and put his career back on track. Here was a Golf Legend ready to retire months earlier and I was able to inspire him to see the greatness that still remained. The second truth was a bit more sobering and certainly humbling to say the least, and that truth was that Coach Marc, who knew nothing about golf, had enough Confidence in himself to inspire Confidence in a Golf Legend because I understood enough about renewing the mind and mental toughness! The bible says that in order to be transformed we must first renew our thoughts. (Romans 12:2)
It takes just as much energy to lack Confidence and not believe as it does to have Confidence and believe in yourself.
If you are struggling with your Self-Confidence, call Coach Marc today for your FREE  30-minute CONFIDENCE BOOSTING SESSION at 561.309.1334.

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