“Gratitude turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity…it makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie
Do you ever toss & turn at night, when it is time to go to sleep, with your mind racing of all of things you did not accomplish? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night with your mind full of all the things on your ever growing to do list? Or do you wake up in the morning already stressed about the day ahead, or start your day by saying “there isn’t enough time” or “I wish there was more time in the day”?
The scarcity mindset feeds itself on beliefs of lack, be it time, money, love, connection, joy or possessions. Oftentimes, we can spend majority of our time assessing how much we have, or don’t have, or how much we want, & then compare it to how much everyone else has, wants or needs. However, this constant calculating & comparison becomes self-defeating for a couple of reasons. In a nutshell, we are flooded with media driven images & versions of unattainable perfection, or we create our own fictional story of how great someone else has it. From these images, a mindset of scarcity is shaped & it reshapes our overall belief system.
In my work over the years, I have seen an overwhelming amount of comparisons, shame & even disengagement that alter one’s own self-beliefs. More importantly, I see such a desire to eliminate the fear & take bold, courageous action. It is your choice, & it’s a simple question really: Do I want to be feel miserable, stuck & fearful, or do I want to choose to do something about it & shift my attitude?
“People are about as happy, or unhappy, as they make their minds to be.” – Abraham Lincoln
Your happiness & life are not determined by circumstances, or external acts; they are formed from the inside out. Your mind is a powerful & adaptable tool, & it can be programmed to think a specific way, including (but not limited to) the images created by your imagination & the language with which you speak to yourself. The subconscious mind only responds to mental images, & it becomes the blueprint to carry out “the plan”. For example, worrying is the programming of an image you do not want. When we imagine the worst, the subconscious mind cannot distinguish real versus imagined, & acts to fulfill the imagined situation. As Buddha is quoted as saying, “The mind is everything. What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create”.
As we work to eliminate negative, limiting beliefs based in the mindset of scarcity, you begin to mentally draw up new blueprints for your subconscious mind to accept & act upon.
Your attitude is the way in which you look at life. This can have a tremendous effect on not only your mind, but your body, as well as the way your mind & body connect & perform. Life is full of habits. In fact, some studies indicate that 98% of what we do is habit. As we work to create new habits of gratitude, we must first eliminate the old habits based in scarcity, or not enough. The reality is, the events that occur in your life are purely neutral, & you have the ability to choose if you see them as positive or negative.
Working together we begin to change the perspective you have on life, yourself, as well as your own specific circumstances. This shift in thought changes the lenses with which you look upon your life & the world around you. Identifying & eliminating any fears, shame or comparisons you may have allows your mind to open up & accept the good all around you. As you form the habit of gratitude, it allows you to look at what is good in a situation, person or place. Of course, in those not so great moments or situations, you also change, & will begin to ask yourself what lessons can be learned. Overtime, you become more aware of all the good in your life & your focus naturally moves that way.
An attitude of gratitude is both the foundation of the Law of Attraction & also the catalyst of further success. However, it is sadly often the most neglected part too, which can lead to a lack of attracting what you desire. Vision boards, affirmations & focusing on what you want to attract are all well & good, but it is not where the transformation occurs. The basis of successfully attracting more good into your life is to focus on the good you already have in it, even if that list seems short to you. This is the key, because by doing this, you bring them to your attention, focus on them & therefore bring more of it into your life. As a wise anonymous person said, “Gratitude is not the result of things that happen to us; it is an attitude we cultivate by practice.”
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” – Marcus Aurelius
No matter what habits you want to change, what your goals are or what you want to attract more if in your life; it all starts with eliminating the mindset of scarcity & the habit of “never enough” thinking. From there we can begin to form your template for gratitude & cultivating abundance of whatever you desire into your life.
Laura King and Larissa Brazier,
Performance Coaching
Laura King has been helping people heal their minds and bodies for 18 years. Using her unique combination of Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Life Coaching, Laura is able to help individuals with even the most difficult of issues to create positive and lasting change. Laura’s technique helps individuals at all levels of development to improve their quality of life. Laura is sought after by Olympians, leading edge CEO’s, public figures, professional athletes, prominent physicians, award-winning trainers and parents.
Larissa Brazier is a Certified Health Coach & Consulting Hypnotist, Larissa’s primary goal is to help others striving to live healthier & happier lives. Creating positive, lasting changes in others’ lives, though the utilization of multiple methods that facilitate & assist with the healing process by strengthening the mind body connection. Applying lots of tried & true, insider tools that will allow you to transform your mind, body, spirit & life in every way.
Call today: 561-841-7603
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