Declare Your Independence from Hair Loss

DeclareLosing hair presents a dilemma for lots of men. Ignore what’s happening and “live with it” or flounder around for a solution and be constantly on the march to adapt to their head’s ever-shifting geography.

Maybe you’ve tried some of these remedies?
Shaved your head
Got a buzz cut
Perfected your comb-over
Slicked your hair back with “product”
Sprayed on artificial hair fibers or pigment

The problem is that these remedies are all temporary and—let’s face it—they don’t fool anyone.

If you’re like many of the men I see, you may not realize that thanks to advances in science and medicine there are numerous effective options for hair loss that are much, much better than anything you’ll find in a drugstore or barber shop or touted in an infomercial.

As a nod to July, the month when we celebrate independence, why not join the growing army of men who’ve freed themselves from the tyranny of balding imposed on them by the rule of their genetics; men who are now pursuing happiness with a full head of healthy, youthful-looking hair that’s there to stay.

Am I right?
Tell me if I’m right: You’ve been worrying about your hair loss for a long time. You’ve been wondering what could be done, if anything. It’s kicking your self-confidence in the butt. You think a transplant is your only recourse. And you’re too embarrassed to make that call to a hair restoration doctor to even ask.

…but did you know there are several very powerful non-transplant options you may not have heard of that can give you the freedom to have more hair on your head than you ever dreamed possible?

Read on. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

Low-Level LaserCaps
Bauman’s low-level LaserCaps—we offer five of them—are drug-free, chemical-free, non-invasive, FDA-cleared, and scientifically proven to improve the appearance of hair quality, strength, and thickness of thinning hair and to stimulate measurable and visible hair growth.

And another plus: they can be used at home on your schedule.

Proper and consistent use of medical-grade low-level laser light therapy has been scientifically proven to improve hair quality, strength, and thickness, as well as promote hair regrowth.

Our newest and most high-tech LaserCap, the Bauman TURBO LaserCap™, is especially popular. Here’s why:
Usage requires just five minutes per day.
Its >300 high-quality laser diodes deliver more energy and power to 25% more area of the scalp than any other portable hands-free laser hair regrowth device on the market.
It’s easy to travel with. Its flexible spine lets you fold it flat.
It has a long battery life, requiring fewer recharges.
It’s adjustable for a perfect fit for you and someone else you’d like to share it with.
It has a lifetime warranty.

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma)
PRP is a comfortable in-office procedure requiring no recovery, downtime, or significant risk. With our methods, which use 10-12 billion platelets per treatment, you can expect hair growth improvements from a single treatment that last a year or more.

Derived from a small sample of your blood, platelets and plasma are separated from other components of the blood, concentrated, then applied into the scalp under local anesthesia to invigorate weak hair follicles.

Researched and developed right here at Bauman Medical, we were the first hair restoration clinic in the U.S. to use PDO threads to enhance hair growth. PDO, or polydioxanone, is a synthetic, absorbable FDA-cleared material.

Used for decades in surgery, and more recently in aesthetic procedures to reverse the appearance of skin aging, PDO threads placed into the scalp stimulate hair regrowth. This procedure is typically performed in combination with PRP. Hidden under the skin, the threads dissolve and are absorbed over time, stimulating collagen production, new blood vessel formation, and a release of powerful rejuvenating growth factors.

TED (TransEpidermal Delivery)
TED is ideal for people averse to surgery or having their blood drawn. It’s needle-free, pain-free, requires no anesthesia of any kind, and is highly effective, especially for people with early androgenic alopecia (male pattern hair loss).

It involves massaging a specialized topical hair growth serum into your scalp, assisted by ultrasonic sound waves and air pressure. The process gently enhances the penetration of the serum into the scalp by temporarily increasing scalp permeability. At the same time, increased blood flow optimizes scalp health and stimulates hair follicles to produce thicker, stronger, healthier hair. This FDA-cleared Class 1 medical device is clinically proven to quickly start minimizing shedding and improve hair growth and scalp health. TED can also be used to apply Exosome Therapy topically, as well as deliver medications such as finasteride and dutasteride to the scalp.

Hair Transplantation
Alas, in some cases, hair loss is so advanced that a hair transplant is the only way to achieve lasting hair regrowth in areas like a receded hairline, thinning crown, or other areas where hair follicles are severely depleted or gone. But you won’t know that for sure until you’ve had a consultation.

The good news is that transplant procedures have become more effective, comfortable, and are 100% natural-looking due to major innovations in techniques and technology.

FUE (follicular unit extraction) is one of Bauman Medical’s most popular hair restoration technologies. Using a variety of techniques that we helped pioneer over a decade ago, we employ several types of FUE, depending on each patient’s particular need or situation.

Using robotics, or with the aid of mechanical instruments, we harvest hair follicles directly from the scalp, replacing the older, invasive method of “strip harvesting.” FUE hair transplantation allows for the minimally-invasive harvesting of follicles without leaving behind a telltale linear scar and with the added benefits of a shorter, less restricted, and more comfortable recovery.

Learn more
Ready to declare your independence from hair loss? It’s easy to get started. Take a minute to call us at 561-220-3480 to schedule your in-person or remote consultation, visit us at

Why Choose Bauman Medical?
Experience the Difference
The demand for hair restoration services has grown significantly in recent years, leading to an increase in the number of medical professionals offering hair transplant services. While some dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and other medical professionals have received specialized training to offer hair restoration services, for many doctors, it’s a sideline. Therefore they may have limited experience and may provide only minimal hair regrowth options beyond transplantation, and most don’t even bother to accurately measure and track their patients hair growth.

With over 25 years of specialization in hair restoration, he offers an impressive array of state-of-the-art technologies, including proprietary hair restoration procedures, low-level laser light therapy, customized hair growth medications, supplements, and other modalities that produce excellent results. Thanks to his many tools, you may not even need a transplant!

Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS, IAHRS
Hair Loss Expert

Dr. Bauman’s “Hair Hospital,” housed in a dedicated 12,000-square-foot building, is recognized as one of the premier hair restoration practices in the country.
As one of approximately 250 physicians worldwide to achieve board certification from the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS), Dr. Bauman has treated over 33,000 patients. He’s also a pioneer in numerous technologies in the field of hair restoration, both for diagnostics and treatment.

In recognition of his expertise, Dr. Bauman was voted “#1 Top Hair Restoration Surgeon” in North America by Aesthetic Everything for the 7th consecutive year, “Top Hair Restoration Surgeon of the Decade”, and received the 2022 “Lifetime Achievement Award in Hair Restoration.”

Forbes magazine recognized him as one of “10 CEOs Transforming Healthcare in America” for bringing restorative hair treatment into the mainstream and pioneering robotic technologies.

Dr. Bauman is a sought-after guest expert at international scientific meetings and live surgery workshops, and a frequent expert source on national news and educational shows.

Hair Restoration for Men and Women


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