Don’t Be Fooled By These Hair Loss Myths This April Fools’ Day

By Dr. Alan Bauman 
Hair lossDespite recent advances in understanding and treating hair loss, there is still unfortunately an abundance of misinformation and a misconception surrounding what exactly causes hair loss, who is at risk, and how to treat it.
For example, as absurd as it sounds, there are people out there who believe standing on your head can cure baldness, while others believe wearing a baseball hat can cause you to lose your hair.
So in honor of April Fools’ Day, here‘s the bald truth on some of the most persistent myths about hair loss.
MYTH #1 – Baldness is passed down from your mother’s side. Genetics are the main cause of hair loss in men and women; in fact, there are approximately 200 genes that regulate hair and hair growth. While it has long been believed that hair loss is passed down solely from the mother’s side, we now know that the genes can be inherited from either your mother and father’s side, or a combination of the two and we are always discovering an increasing number of non-genetic factors which can accelerate hair loss. Are you at risk? New genetic tests can accurately determine an individual’s risk of losing their hair so they can begin preventative treatments early.
MYTH #2 – Cutting or shaving your hair make it grow back faster and thicker. – Hair fibers are ‘dead’ tissue. Your follicle doesn’t know when you cut your hair short. It is an illusion. When hair is shorter is appears to grow faster because the added length over time is in greater proportion to the total length. [i.e., adding 1-inch when the hair is 5-inches “looks” like faster growth than adding 1-inch to 10-inches.] MYTH #3 – Once hair loss becomes visible it is time to seek treatment. How early you spot your thinning hair determines how much hair you save. If you wait until the hair loss is visible to the naked eye, you’re too late – 50 percent is already gone! The best tool in fighting hair loss is early detection, making it essential for patients to seek the advice of a certified hair restoration physician as soon as possible.
MYTH #4 – Hair loss is only a problem for men. More than half of all women over 40 experience hair loss and women can inherit a ‘hair loss gene’ just like men. Hormonal changes, due to menopause and pregnancy along with age, medications, dieting, bad health, etc., also impact hair loss in women.
MYTH #5 – High testosterone levels cause hair loss. It’s not the amount of testosterone, actually. What you inherit is the sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone or DHT (a breakdown product of testosterone) that can cause hair loss in men and some women.  It is true that if you are on testosterone replacement, this gets converted into DHT and can accelerate hereditary hair loss if you are prone to it.
MYTH #6 – You can grow back dead follicles. – Medications, laser therapy, Platelet-Rich-Plasma, nutritionals, etc. can help make hair follicles grow thicker healthier hair, but once the follicle is dead and gone, the only option for regrowth in that area is a hair transplant.
MYTH #7 – Hair loss is inevitable. – Not anymore, today, it’s optional! In the past, there were no effective treatments in sight for hair loss and hair thinning patients; the only solution was to cover up hair loss with hats and artificial hairpieces. Fortunately, today there are many effective hair loss medications and treatments that have made hair loss a treatable condition. While advances in hair transplantation have made it possible to restore hair loss permanently.
If you have questions or concerns regarding hair loss, it is it is important to consult with both your primary care physician as well as an experienced hair restoration physician who can work with you to determine the most effective treatment regimen for your specific needs. Patients should look for doctor who is a full-time medical hair loss specialist who is board certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery and recommended by the American Hair Loss Association. Only a qualified and experienced hair restoration physician can perform natural-looking hair transplants and prescribe the most effective multi-therapy treatment options, including the latest available products.

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