Feeling Better About How You Look Can Change Your Mental State:

Look Younger Naturally with an Established Technique
Feeling Better About How You Look Can Change Your Mental State:In psychology, there have been numerous studies on the social and psychological effects that appearance has on many individuals. If we’re feeling insecure, social withdrawal or having difficulty looking someone in the eyes and maintaining confidence can unfortunately be diminished.
A study called, Beauty in Mind: The Effects of Physical Attractiveness on Psychological Well-Being and Distress, concluded that being confident, influential and more outgoing, were common attributes associated in individuals that were aesthetically appealing. Obviously, being attractive isn’t the end al be all of happiness, but feeling good about the way we look definitely plays a role in a positive outlook.
Say NO to Chemicals
Instead of filling your face with synthetic injections like Botox or fillers, there are proven natural methods to give your face a fresh new look, along with tightening the underlying muscles. For countless individuals, cosmetic acupuncture is the solution.
Skin Rejuvenation with Acupuncture
Acupuncture has of course been around for centuries, providing the Yin and Yang properties to release the flow of Qi (energy, pronounced chee) to pathways and vital organs for peak health and wellness. When the tiny flexible needles are placed strategically in the dermal layer of the face or neck area (depending on your concerns), the stimulation brings notable contour along with brightness and a youthful glow.
You will first have an advanced evaluation to see which channels are blocked in your body that may be exacerbating facial wrinkles, age spots, acne, laxity, dark circles or other areas of concern. Many times the symptoms that show signs of aging on the face are brought on by blocked energy and inflammatory responses in our internal organs. The acupuncture needles will be placed strategically in specific areas on your face and neck in need of rejuvenation.
Living in a culture that’s so focused on healthy living through diet and exercise, it’s hard to imagine why so many individuals are willing to fill their faces with painful synthetic injections full of toxins. The ideal solution and natural alternative is to utilize the micro-circulation technique through increasing the Qi and Xue (energy and blood-flow), which creates the youthful luminosity that most people want to achieve. As the flow of energy improves, a greater amount of vitality and blood are circulated into the face, oxygenating, firming and toning the skin to diminish fine lines and improve overall skin and muscle tone.
Cosmetic Acupuncture’s
History of Results
In 6000 BC, acupuncture originated in China. Instead of needles, at that time they utilized tiny hair-thin bones. Cosmetic Acupuncture for skin rejuvenating purposes has been the treatment of choice for thousands of years in China. As early as the Sung Dynasty (960 AD – 1270 AD), acupuncture was performed on the Empress and Emperor’s concubines. For centuries, the Chinese have known that beauty radiates from the inside out. If the internal body is nourished and the energy and blood are flowing smoothly, the external body will reveal this radiance.
Several years ago, a study was conducted in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture, which reported that among 300 cases treated with Skin Rejuvenating Acupuncture, 90% reported marked effects with one course of treatment. The results included: the skin becoming more delicate and fair, improvement of the elasticity of facial muscles and leveling of wrinkles, a bright complexion, and overall rejuvenation.
Trusting your delicate face in the hands of a practitioner can be intimidating, that’s why when you chose to have cosmetic acupuncture, it’s imperative to see an experienced licensed Acupuncture Physician and Doctor of Oriental Medicine.
For over 20 years, Dr. Yanhong Meng has been practicing acupuncture. She is a licensed Acupuncture Physician and Doctor of Oriental Medicine. Dr. Meng graduated from Shan Dong Traditional Chinese Medicine University in 1996. In 1996, Dr. Meng began practicing at the Shan Dong Lai Wu Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and for three years worked under the direct guidance of Dr. Gu Dao Xia,
the inventor of Acupuncture Point Nutritional Injection Therapy.
Dr. Meng attended Shen Yang Western University from 1999-2001, where she deepened her knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Theory and Practical application in conjunction with Western Medicine. In 2002, Dr. Meng completed a rigorous clinical rotation at the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine University.
Also, from 2002-2004, Dr. Meng operated a TCM Clinic in Dublin, Ireland. After moving to the United States, Dr. Meng graduated with honors from The Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine in 2007, where she received her Masters in Oriental Medicine. Since 2007 she has owned and operated Meng’s Acupuncture Medical Center in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
If you want to look younger and feel more confident, please call (561) 656-0717.
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4060 PGA Blvd., Suite 202,
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