Stephanie Ours is a 30 year old Palm Beach Gardens resident. Stephanie is stay at home mom to 16 month old Kate and pregnant with bundle of joy #2. We asked Stephanie about her experience with Fitbella and here’s what she had to say.
Q. How did you decide to join Fitbella?
A. Fitbella actually found me. On a whim, I entered a contest. I never imagined I would win! (It’s the first contest I’ve ever won!)
Q. Did you have training or an exercise routine before you joined?
A. Does chasing a toddler around all day count? Ha! I would walk, but it wasn’t consistent.
Q. How do you carve out time in your schedule?
A. It’s really very easy to find the time for Fitbella. All I need is an hour (including drive time). This workout is so fast, yet so effective. I even have time after for a long, hot kid-free shower!
Q. Is there an aspect of the program that you like best?
A. The best part about Fitbella is how customized it is to me and my needs. I came in hoping to shed those last few post-pregnancy pounds and inches. But after my first session I found out I was pregnant again! My routine was modified, so I could get the most out of my work-out while keeping me and the baby safe. Even with the modifications, and the pregnancy I’m still losing inches!! At 20 weeks I can still wear my jeans!
Q. Do you have any specific fitness goals?
A. When I started I really wanted to target my hips and lower abdomen. Once I found out I was pregnant, it became about keeping my core strong and the excess pregnancy weight in check. With my first pregnancy, I let the weight gain get out of hand (something I’m still paying for). Fitbella is definitely keeping me accountable this time. What a great feeling it is to see those inches come off and my weight holding steady, all while getting stronger and staying healthy for my baby.
Q. How would you describe the atmosphere in the center?
A. The atmosphere at Fitbella is such a judge-free zone. I really feel comfortable and welcome as soon as I walk through the door. The staff is incredible; the nicest group of women you’ll ever meet. Plus, they know their stuff! I can honestly say for one of the first time in my life I actually enjoy going to work-out.
Q. Has the nutrition program helped you change the way you eat?
A. I didn’t really follow the nutrition program, because I knew I would need more calories through the day and didn’t want to restrict myself. It did, however, help me make smarter choices when it has come to snacking and cooking. I also love the healthy recipes and eating tips Fitbella posts on its Facebook page.
Q. Do you have any advice for women who might be considering starting a training program?
A. Just do it! It’s amazing how bringing a little exercise into your life can change your outlook on so many things. I find myself to be much happier and more confident.
2401 PGA Blvd., Suite 128
Palm Beach Gardens Fl, 33410
Harbour Financial Center (Carmine’s Plaza)
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