Fitness Made Easy at Fitbella

Fitness Made Easy at FitbellaAntoinette Montgomery, a married mother, and 62 years young shares her journey to fitness through Fitbella’s unique approach.
Antoinette first took notice of Fitbella’s unique approach though an article in the Health & Wellness Magazine, and saw them again on TV.  “It seemed an intriguing approach to physical fitness and I just had to check it out.”  Antoinette is an avid fitness connoisseur, she’s done it all from power walking to boot camp classes but never come across a program as customized and individualized as Fitbella.
Antoinette wanted to lose a few pounds, reduce the appearance of cellulite on her thigh area while trimming a few inches from her thighs and upper arms.  She decided to give Fitbella a try and booked a session.  “When I came in for my complementary session, I noticed that with just the first session it truly did make a difference in how my clothes fit. Also, I happen to be one of those middle-aged women who end up having those deep, vertical lines on the décolleté area of our chest-amazingly, since starting the Fitbella program, they dramatically reduced,  I’d say, about 95%—so I will give the FitBath credit for that!” explains Antoinette.
Antoinette can’t say enough good things about the FitCoaches, “Tina, Robyn, Linda, and Melissa are so pleasant, always a smile to greet you.  They are excellent at developing an exercise program for your body that targets specific problem areas…they are the best.”  When asked what advice she would give women thinking about starting a fitness program Antoinette responds, “Just make it happen! The sooner you begin, the sooner you will see results! If your brain is thinking that you should be making positive changes, your body wants that too!!! FitBella is a great choice, especially if you don’t like working out, the exercise portion of Fitbella is only 20-30 min, and the rest is breeze! Make Fitbella your New Year’s resolution!!!!”
PS: My husband really loves the results!!!
Contact Fitbella today to schedule your complimentary session 561-775-0122.

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