Halloween Horror Hair Help

Be Hairy, Not Scary, with a State-of-the-Art Hair Transplant

by Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS

Halloween Horror  Hair HelpHere’s a scary thought.

If you’re losing your hair you could soon have lots of unique choices for Halloween costuming such as painting the back of your head like a pumpkin. Or you could try on a new alter ego for size: Lord Voldemort. Dr. Evil. Homer Simpson. Even Captain Underpants!

However…if you’re like millions of men with thinning hair, and especially if your hair loss is advanced, I suspect you’d gladly pass up those colorful options for the chance to see hair back on your head with the help of a hair transplant.

For many, however, a hair transplant is a terrifying proposition.

But only if you don’t know the facts.

So let’s dig up a few of the most common fears I hear from men about transplants and put them into their final resting place once and for all.
I’ll end up with “plugs” on my hairline a la Chucky, the movie doll Not true. Pluggy results were common years ago when your father or grandfather were considering what to do about their hair loss. However, significant innovations in microsurgery techniques, when performed by a skilled transplant surgeon, result in a 100% natural look.

Advanced, minimally invasive hair transplant procedures using FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) meticulously move as little as one hair follicle at a time. This fine control of individual hair position and direction eliminates “plugs.”

I’ll have a scar. Like I met a Slasher.
Absolutely not! In the “old days,” surgeons used FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). This involved cutting a strip of skin from the scalp from which the hair to be transplanted was taken. While FUT strip harvesting may not be as invasive as the scene where “Hannibal” made a meal out of Ray Liotta’s brain, it does leave a scar. Today’s FUE technique involves taking as little as an individual hair follicle directly from the scalp without cutting out a strip of donor skin and hair. It’s minimally invasive, requires no staples or stitches and leaves no linear scar.

It will be painful – during and after.
Definitely not! Only if you’re abducted by sadistic aliens. Local anesthesia and medication for relaxation allow patients to sit, watch movies, listen to music or even comfortably nap during their procedure.

Even injecting the anesthesia is now pain-free. Our new computerized local anesthesia delivery system involves a microprocessor-controlled, robotic injection technique using extremely low pressure and a slow rate of flow for a completely pain-free injection.

There’s very little discomfort afterwards, too. Our new advanced FUE transplant techniques allow for a faster, easier recovery because hair follicles are harvested individually with minimal tension on the skin. Most patients can resume regular activities and get back in the gym within just a few days following an FUE hair transplant.

I’ll be cut and shaved (or at least my hair will be). Everyone will know I’ve had a transplant.
Not necessarily. The newest No-Shave Long-Hair VIP|FUE™ technique harvests hair without any hair trimming whatsoever. The donor area remains completely hidden amid the surrounding full-length hair, and no dramatic shave or trim is required around the sides and back of the scalp. It also has the unique benefit of the “long hair preview, which allows you to see the results of your transplant immediately after your procedure.

Learn more
We look forward to having the opportunity to answer all your questions about hair transplants and helping you decide if a hair transplant is the right solution for you. We provide both virtual and in-person consultations. Don’t wait. Let’s discuss!

P.S. – I know that initiating that first call is often the most difficult part of the hair restoration process, but we make it easy and comfortable from start to finish. That’s my promise to you.

To learn how we can help call 561-220-3480 to schedule your private one-on-one  in-person or virtual consultation at www.baumanmedical.com.

Bauman Medical
Hair Restoration for Men and Women


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