Healing with Infrared

By: Loli Jane Heimberg
Healing with InfraredDiscovered in 1800 by astronomer Sir William Herschel, Infrared is invisible electromagnetic radiant energy with longer wavelengths than those of visible light; and is emitted by any object that radiates heat. This includes celestial bodies, plants, animals, and humans.
By the time sunlight hits the earth more than half of the light is in the form of Infrared.
Infrared energy is not visible to the human eye but can been seen by the animal kingdom or with the use of special cameras that translate the light into visible colors.
Extensive research by NASA in the early 1980’s led to the conclusion that Far Infrared (FIR) is the safest, most beneficial natural light wave and would be the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in American astronauts during long space flight.
History of Heat Therapy
The concept of harnessing Infrared light is not a new one but a revisited one. Infrared heat therapy dates back to the ancient Egyptians “solarium” rooms designed to harness the sun’s Infrared light (and other spectral light) and transmit the rays to the human body to heal large groups of people. Sunlight was harnessed using Quartz Crystal ceilings made from Amethyst, Ruby, and Emerald to flood the rooms with a very advanced and focused form of light to correct many health issues.
Three thousand years ago the Chinese and Yogi’s in India also began harnessing natural healing properties from Far Infrared energy, using palm healing. Science today can confirm that these ancient customs have measureable, scientific validity. Current research conducted in Taiwan has measured significant Fаr Infrared energy, emitted from the hands of Qi Gong masters. Our bodies radiate Far Infrared energy through the skin between 3 and 50 microns. While our palms emit infrared energy between 8 and 14 microns.  You can experience this by holding your palms near each other without touching.
Although sauna heat therapy has been used for generations by the Finns, Romans, Chinese and American Indians. Unlike traditional heat therapy, Far Infrared (FIR) heat therapy involves infrared heat transmission penetrating deeply into the cells, tissues and organs providing controlled and “targeted” hyperthermia benefits.
Today, infrared heat therapy is most commonly used for rehabilitation purposes and may be found in spas, wellness centers, chiropractors, tanning salons, and for physical therapy and medical thermography.
The therapeutic effects of infrared heat include increasing the temperature of tissues, producing vasodilation, increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients and the elimination of carbon dioxide and metabolic waste. As a result, increasing the extensibility of collagen tissues; decreasing joint stiffness; reducing pain; relieving muscle spasms; reducing inflammation, edema, and aids in the post acute phase of healing; and increasing blood flow. The increased blood flow to the affected area provides proteins, nutrients, and oxygen for better healing.
Safety of Infrared Therapy
Traditional saunas create exposure to extremely high temperatures causing heat stress, which can have detrimental effects on health, especially for people with a heart condition or high blood pressure.
Infrared therapy is a safe, non-invasive, cost-effective therapy, which is free of side effects.
In the past 25 years, Japanese and Chinese researchers and clinicians have completed extensive research on Far Infrared medical treatments and report many exciting conclusions. In Japan, there is an ‘Infrared Society’ composed of medical doctors and physical therapists dedicated to further infrared research. Their findings support the health benefits of Far Infrared therapy as a highly effective method of healing.
There have been many reports on the Internet saying the (FIR) Far Infrared and emits dangerous radiation. This is simply NOT TRUE. Japanese researchers have reported that (FIR) Far Infrared radiant heat is actually an antidote to the negative effects of toxic electromagnetic fields, from high-tension power lines, cell phones, computer display terminals. Far Infrared heating systems have been tested in Japan and found free of toxic electromagnetic fields. According to the Clayton’s Electrotherapy, 9th Edition, Far Infrared is the only antidote to excessive ultraviolet radiation. The Swedish National Institute of Radiation Protection has also concluded that infrared heaters are not dangerous.
Dr. Sasaki Kyuo, M.D. has done extensive research on the therapeutic uses of Far Infrared therapy and has authored, “The Scientific Basis and Therapeutic Benefits of Far Infrared Ray Therapy’ – which presents the clinical effects of Far Infrared Ray Therapy.
Dr. Kyuo reports successful treatments by use of FIR including stress induced chronic diarrhea, abdominal distention, ulcerated large intestines, gastritis, facial numbness, hemorrhoids, shoulder, back, and knee pain, rheumatism, hypertension, diabetes, weight loss, breast and abdominal tumors, low blood pressure, asthma, anemia, burns and scalds, body odor, early onset of baldness, fracture of cervical vertebra, radiation exposure and related diseases.
Differences between Far, Mid Range
and Near Infrared
Differences between far, near and mid-range infrared are measured in microns. Near Infrared is 0.76 – 1.56 microns and Mid infrared is 1.5 – 4 microns.
Far Infrared are longer waves and can penetrate the body’s tissues to a depth of 1.5 to 3 inches. They are most beneficial to humans and living things at a level of 4-1000 microns. (8-10 microns is the most beneficial for the human body.) Far Infrared saunas boast the benefits of the infrared light and induce sweating.
Near infrared saunas are not as widely accessible as Far Infrared saunas. Both near and mid-range infrared can cause harm at intense heat levels.
Benefits of Near Infrared are:
• Increased body temperature (raises body temperature 2 to 3 degrees)
• Elimination of toxins and heavy metals
• Improves circulation and repair processes
• Engages the parasympathetic nervous system
• Potentially diminished tumor growth
• Controls parasites, Candida and pathogens
• Reduces cellulite
• Improves immune function
The Benefits Far Infrared (FIR)
of are extensive:
• Expands capillaries, stimulating increased blood flow, regeneration, circulation and oxygenation also alleviation of breathing problems and congestion.
• Detoxification (begins at 8-10 micron level of FIR) Aids in lymphatic cleansing, removing fats, chemicals, toxins from the blood (poisons, carcinogenic heavy metals, toxic substances from food processing, lactic acid, free fatty acids, subcutaneous fat associated with aging, excess sodium associated with hypertension and uric acid which causes pain.
• Activated sebaceous glands, accumulated cosmetics in pores can be eliminated through skin (sweat and oil glands) instead of kidneys.
• Stimulates enzyme activity by emitting photons – helps release enzymes, stimulating macrophage activity & eliminating of damaged and diseased tissues.
• Increases Nitric Oxide (NO) levels, which expands capillaries and increases circulation, preventing and reversing heart disease, strokes, diabetes, hypertension, intestinal motility, memory, learning disorders, septic shock, sunburn, anorexia, male impotence, tuberculosis, and many other medical conditions.
• Boosts metabolism.
• Devitalizes pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
• Rebuilds injured tissue by increasing growth of fibroblast cells, DNA synthesis, and protein synthesis all necessary during tissue repair and regeneration.
• Heals burns, scar tissue and skin problems such as acne
• Anti-aging effects and reduction of wrinkles due to enhanced collagen production.
• Relieves nervous tension, relax muscles and reducing soreness on nerve endings and muscle spasms.
• Rapid reduction of swelling, inflammation and pain.
• Strengthens & Supports Immune Systemby stimulating increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by bone marrow and killer T-cells by thymus.
• Strengthens Cardiovascular System by increasing heart rate, cardiac output; reducing diastolic blood pressure.
• Relieves fatigue and stress in both mentally and physically.
• Aids in the destruction of cancer cells, which cannot survive if the temperature of the cell becomes 107.6F/42C and above. Heat therapy, commonly known as hyperthermia, is used for chronic diseases, including malignant cells.
Ed Skilling’s Photon Genius
Ed Skilling’s Photon Genius has both Infrared Transmission and Noble Gas Technology targeting the whole body with infrared light; more direct and targeted harmonic infrared than any sauna in the world, helping the human body produce more NO, and improve at all levels of function.
The Photon Genius duplicates the healthy frequencies of our own cells. The tissues selectively absorb these rays as the water in the cell reacts in a process called resonant absorption.
Resonant absorption occurs when the frequency of Far Infrared matches the frequency of water in the cell. This causes toxins from the cells to be expelled into the blood stream and excreted in sweat, feces, and urine.
In the Photon Genius, deep penetration of Far Infrared, heat penetration happens deep in the tissues, muscles and organs. This “deep heating,” along with sweating, is thought to be responsible for the healing effects and the other health benefits associated with these Far Infrared rays.
Richway’s BioMat
Richway’s BioMat includes Far Infrared (which penetrates 6 to 8 inches), negative ions, and Amethyst and Tourmaline Crystals to reduce swelling and inflammation, by improving lymph flow, increase blood flow of the micro-circulatory system, destroy cancer and viralcells without harming the surrounding healthy cells, stimulates healthy molecular vibration with long-lasting, life-sustaining enzyme activity, detoxify, strengthens immune and endocrine system, regulates autonomic nervous system, alleviate allergies, migraines, and sinus conditions.
Loli Heimberg is the writer, Healer, Registered and Licensed Dietitian & Esthetician, and owner of Photon Light Spa, at 218 Commercial Blvd, Ste 108, Lauderdale by the Sea, FL 33308 and is a wellness and beauty spa specializing in light therapy and featuring Ed Skilling’s Photon Genius & Photon Genie, Richway’s BioMat, and Alimtox’s Ion Cell Cleanser (Foot Detox).
To schedule appointments call 954-303-9585 or visit us at www.photonlightspa.com

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