Healthy Relationships Slow the Aging Process

By Dr. Barbara Norvell, Au.D., CCC-A
The Baby Boomer generation has started taking their health seriously. They are taking care of themselves and leading longer, healthier, and ACTIVE lives! The problem is that the longer you live, the greater the chance of developing a slow, gradual, insidious hearing loss.  This is NORMAL and may have been hastened by all that “GREAT ROCK & ROLL”  that  soothed our souls!   I grew up on that classic music and still love it!   Unfortunately, hearing loss is associated with communicative problems that adversely affect our quality of life and our relationships.  Healthy relationships SLOW the aging process and keep us engaged and connected.
Don’t Go it Alone
When hearing loss begins to surface, don’t go it alone.  Consumers can get lost in a maze of confusing advertisements. Audigy Certified  Professionals center our service around YOU!
Our promise is to guide you with comprehensive, compassionate, expert, and ethical care.  Better hearing products are now cool gadgets!  We have the best, the smallest, and sleekest.  We know that is important to YOU!  Hearing devices are now worn by super heroes and bionic men!
When was the last time you had a comprehensive hearing evaluation?  If your answer is –  3rd GRADE – it is TIME!  A basic hearing analysis is an important part of your health records.
Let Us Be Your Starting Point
You can’t know where you are going without a starting point!  Our office is not just about “large beige hearing aids that whistle”! We have progressed WAY beyond that!
We care about your hearing health. We study your ear and its functions. We explain the results!  There is no pain involved!  You may just need some wax removed. We’ll show you (on a large computer screen) what the inside of your ear actually looks like.  It’s COOL!  It’s not just about “hearing aids” anymore.  We have hands free devices that help you use your cell phone.  We have inexpensive solutions to help you understand the television.  We have custom hearing protection and devices for hunters.
Don’t be afraid!  Take care of yourself!  Call us today!  We pride ourselves in delighted and enlightened patients!
We all know that 60 is the new 40, and 80 is the new 60!  Don’t forget the important benefit of HEALTHY HEARING!
Brought to you by Dana Luzon Au.D. For more information on your local Audigy Certified Provider go to For more information on the above article go to

Audiology & Hearing Aids of the Palm Beaches, Inc.

4266 Northlake Blvd
Palm Beach Gardins, FL 33410


Dana Luzon, Au.D., CCC-A Doctor of Audiology
Originally from Southern NJ, Dana Luzon received her undergraduate degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology from the Richard Stockton College of NJ, and continued on to receive her Doctorate of Audiology at Salus University’s residential program. Her varied clinical experiences throughout her doctoral studies include: VA hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, ENT and private practice settings.
Her professional interests include: audiologic rehabilitation and progressive tinnitus devices. Her interests in the field outside of the clinic include: Humanitarian Audiology, and Audiology Awareness.

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