By Dr. J. Murray Hockings
“Your Path to Becoming Clinically Non-Diabetic”
*Licensed by: Magnum Health Management, LLC.
Help Your Diabetes® HYD® is the patent-pending, Type 2 Diabetes Reversal Program founded by Dr. J. Murray Hockings, D.C., D. P Sc., a member of The American Diabetes Association. An internationally acclaimed author and spokesman; Dr. Hockings has been helping thousands of patients reverse their Type 2 Diabetes, lose weight via proven natural methods, drop their blood sugar readings, enjoy an improved quality of life, and get them off medications — which only serve to manage symptoms and cannot reverse them.
There is No Cure for Type 2 Diabetes –
Testimonials from hundreds of satisfied patients attest to the successful reversal of Type 2 Diabetes under the Help Your Diabetes® program.
The HYD® Program offers:
Ways to lose weight, if you need to, without lots of exercise.
How you will reduce or eliminate your dependence on medications
How to explode your energy and sex drive
How to become clinically non-diabetic
How to eliminate your risk of developing a diabetic complication – dialysis, neuropathy, blindness and limb amputation
Proven methods for reversing diabetes
Clinical Studies have found that Type 2 Diabetes can indeed be reversed. One such study entitled; Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes: by medical researchers at the at Newcastle on Tyne University, England, was published in the June 2011 issue of Diabetologia, a medical journal that publishes original clinical research within the field of diabetes.
This study proved that Type 2 Diabetes can be reversed through diet changes and that this can happen quickly: in one to eight weeks.
In an article in The Huffington Post analyzing this study,
Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D., said “that turns our perspective on diabetes upside down. Diabetes is not a one-way street.”
Dr. Michelle Magee, director of the MedStar Diabetes Institute in Washington, said “We have seen numerous people reverse their condition… But it takes a real dedication for the rest of their lives.” If we have a known cure, a proven way to reverse this disease, shouldn’t we be focused on implementing programs to scale this cure?
PATIENT SUCCESS STORIES The following statements are not fictionalized, nor are any patients that appear on videos on the HYD website paid actors.
“I am thrilled to announce that I have completed 6 months on the program and I can’t remember the last time I have felt as well as I do now. I was diagnosed with diabetes over 10 years ago, and ever since it’s been one med after another. Despite all my efforts, my numbers were gradually growing higher as was my weight. I started this program with Bydureon (1 shot weekly), Glipizide twice daily, and 2000 mg of Metformin.
I had major neuropathy problems, brain fog, no energy, and just felt crappy. Since I started the program last March, I have completely removed ALL the diabetic meds and I couldn’t be happier. I have lost over 40 lbs. and the neuropathy is about 75% better. I have my life back.
It’s not easy—it takes a lot to stick with it. It is; however, simple. If you follow the program, it WILL work! It doesn’t take long to start to see the results, and that really helps. So, stay on the program, don’t cheat, and you will be rewarded with great health. Thank you HYD!”
Marcie E. Orlando, Florida
August 28, 2016
“I am a 68-year-old male who developed severe pancreatitis in March of 2015. In June 2015 half of my pancreas was surgically removed. As a result, I became a diabetic. I was taking Novalog on a graduated scale based on glucose testing three times a day before each meal. Each night I was taking 13 units of Levimir.
I started the ‘Help Your Diabetes’ program June 15th, 2016. Immediately I no longer was taking any Novalog as my glucose levels did not warrant any. After two days of waking with glucose levels at 60 and 54 I stopped taking the overnight dose of Levimir.
I have had no insulin since June 18th and my last A1C check had improved from 7.2 to 6.2. Kidney function has also improved from 47% to 50%. I have lost over 18 lbs. in nine weeks and am feeling great. I highly recommend this program for anyone struggling to control their glucose levels and weight.”
Aubrey B. Burleson, Texas
August 23, 2016
Dr. Kenneth Power, M.D. a family doctor in Maumee, Ohio, with 18 years of experience, has recommended the Help Your Diabetes® program to several of his patients: “I first heard about the Help Your Diabetes® program about four months ago and I checked it out and I was immediately impressed with what I saw. The success I’ve had with the program has been overwhelming. I’ve had multiple patients come through now and each tend to have a different success rate, but overall, it’s been phenomenal.
Patients in the program see results right away. I was surprised at how quickly their blood sugars improved, usually within just the first couple of weeks. Their health’s improving, their blood sugars are dropping in the morning and throughout the day, and I feel pretty comfortable just after the first several weeks with getting them off at least half of their medication by then”
Each HYD® plan includes the following:
Comprehensive, full spectrum lab analysis
Customized supplements
Exercise recommendations
Unlimited one-on-one weekly support over the phone or by email seven days a week with our Dallas office.
Unlimited support for any patient questions
List of foods to enjoy… and avoid
Weekly meal plans
Over 200 recipes
Shopping list
Exclusive online membership in the HYD website
Online forum to get questions answered, share success stories, find new recipes, etc.
Weekly training videos
Monthly newsletter
Group training calls 3 days a week
Every Journey starts with One Step!
Call for a free, no obligation consultation with the clinic director at our Boca Raton location. He will determine with you, which HYD® plan is most appropriate based on the severity of your Type 2 Diabetes. He forwards your consultation notes to our resident physician who will monitor your progress with regular check-ups and make recommendations to your primary care physician.
The HYD® program includes regular mild exercise, a healthy diet – foods to eat and enjoy – and those to avoid, the proprietary blend of nutritional supplements developed by Dr. Hockings, weekly nutritious appetizing menus plus hundreds of delicious recipes with the appropriate shopping lists.
HYD® patients will notice an improvement after just one week, reverse their type 2 diabetes quickly and safely, lose excess weight, need far less or no medications, regain energy and enjoy improved quality and vitality in their daily life.
Corbin Bernsen The official spokesman for the Help Your Diabetes® program is Emmy and Golden Globe nominated actor, Corbin Bernsen, best known for his role as divorce attorney Arnie Becker on the NBC drama series L.A. Law and star of such films as Major League.
Call 561.506.2569 to schedule your free,
no obligation consultation with
our Clinic Director at:
Help Your Diabetes
301 Yamato Road, Suite 1240
Boca Raton, FL 33431
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