How Does Your Garden Grow?

Good Scalp Health Plants the Seeds for Great Hair

by Alan J. Bauman, MD, ABHRS

How Does Your Garden Grow?Let me ask you something.

If you planned to create a garden, would you examine the soil first and enhance it if necessary before you planted the first seed?

If you answered “yes,” then you’re going to “get” what this article is about. It might even prompt you to think about something you’ve never given much thought to – the condition of your scalp.

Scalp health is probably one of the most important factors there are in growing a beautiful, healthy head of hair, yet it’s something most people never think about – you know, out of sight, out of mind.

Most people only pay attention to their scalp when a problem crops up that they can’t ignore: dry or oily hair, itchiness, flaking (dandruff) or even sensitivity that’s noticeable when you comb or brush. These factors all negatively impact the health of your follicles and interfere with their “job” of growing healthy hair.

But let’s say you don’t have any of the above issues. Should you stop reading right now?

Before you answer (and before you stop reading), think again about your “garden.” Which will give you a better result? Ignoring the growing conditions and dealing with problems after they show up or enhancing the conditions from the start and doing what you can to prevent issues?

There’s irrefutable evidence that optimizing your scalp health will benefit your hair, and helping our patients have the best hair possible is central to the mission of my practice. Healthy hair starts with a good foundation.

And that’s why I created SalonB for both men and women.

Headed by Certified Trichologist and licensed cosmetologist Kimberly Jenkins WTS, SalonB offers crucial services that provide intrinsic elements of growing the best quality hair possible. For many patients, especially those concerned about a specific issue or who just want to make sure all’s well, it starts with a tricological (scalp) evaluation.

What is Trichology? (try-KOL-oh-gee) The scientific study of hair and scalp health – often specifically as it relates to hair loss.

Trichological evaluation
This 60-minute service consists of an in-depth evaluation of, you guessed it, your scalp. It addresses every possible aspect of scalp health including:
Determining the acid mantle (pH) balance of your scalp
Sebum production and hydration status (is it too oily, blocking the hydration element? Is it too hydrated, impeding the secretion of oil?)
Measuring your scalp’s elasticity
Microscopic photos to see what’s happening on your scalp (looking for inflammation, dandruff, and other abnormalities like evidence of microorganism overgrowth)
Asking questions about your lifestyle, health and your stress levels
Analysis in hand, Kimberly then formulates a treatment plan and perhaps recommends a Scientific Scalp Makeover™ (see below). She often recommends some high-quality hair products, too, that we’ve carefully chosen for you that will help, not hinder, the health of your particular scalp. Note: Everyone’s scalp is as unique as a thumbprint and it can change over time. These recommendations take the guesswork out for you. You won’t encounter this type of hair product customization by speculating on what your scalp issues are and reading labels on over-the-counter products that end up being exactly what you shouldn’t be using.

Scientific Scalp Makeover™
Scalp Makeovers are for everyone, not just for people who had a trichological evaluation. Lots of our patients come just for the chance to relax and rewind with a therapeutic, 90-minute-to-three-hour session in our “head-spa” room.* We dim the lights and provide a variety of soothing treatments including:
Aromatherapy treatment
A customized scalp mask treatment for optimum scalp health and hair beauty
A deep scalp massage to stimulate and purify the scalp, and increase circulation
Deep cleansing shampoo
A customized conditioner or hair mask
*(Warning: these sessions are so relaxing you may fall asleep).

And, by the way, these sessions are more than an indulgence. They’re a necessity for people whose hair isn’t responding like it used to. Your scalp is skin, too, so treat it like skin.

A scalp makeover is beneficial whether you’ve had a hair transplant, are using our other services, are concerned about your hair quality or simply enjoy an occasional indulgence.

And here’s something else SalonB offers.

CNC Hair Replacement
Also available in SalonB is the CNC hair replacement system by Cesare Ragazzi, and it’s unlike any other you’ve ever heard of. You can wash, dry and style your hair as if it were your own and enjoy an active lifestyle with no impediment (or embarrassment) whatsoever.

Typical candidates have experienced severe baldness due to a large lesion or injury, an autoimmune condition, or from life-saving medical treatments like chemotherapy. The CNC hair replacement system is a non-surgical medical-grade hair prosthesis that can be used as either a short-term or long-term hair replacement option.

Do you have questions or are you ready to find out more about how the services of SalonB can help you? Call us at 561-220-3480 today to book your appointment.

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