HydraFacial: The New Age Facelift

HydraFacialHaving your skin cleansed and massaged for an hour is wonderfully restorative for your soul, and sure, your skin will look plump with product post treatment – but when it comes to getting real results for your money sometimes you need to take a different approach. And I’m not talking botox.
Forget the hour of twinkly music and go for a ‘New You’ with Concierge Spa Services.  The latest facial to get the A list all excited is the HydraFacial – and after having had it, I can safely say, it’s a little bit special.
The entire HydraFacial is performed using a vacuum based skin abrasion tip which is loaded with various serums, specially formulated to target and combat different skin complaints.
And while having a probe massage your face doesn’t feel quite as soothing as skilled facialist’s hands, the results are remarkable!
The probe, also known as Vortex-Fusion, removes dead skin cells while bathing the healthy underlying skin with deep cleansing, exfoliating and infusing antioxidant serums all at the same time- meaning that they are worked deep into the skin – exactly where they can take effect. The serums are clinically formulated to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, congested pores, hyper-pigmentation and acne-prone skin and are prescribed according to your needs.
The therapist loads the tip with a de-congesting serum for my blocked pores and a skin plumping serum to help add extra moisture to fill fine lines around my eye, forehead and mouth area. Main skincare woes targeted in one quick and easy session.
Before starting you wipe away all traces of foundation and are relieved to know you won’t have to take off your eye make-up – this really is a facial for on-the-go girls. There are so many pro’s to this snazzy treatment that I want to gush through them all out at once – but let’s consider the pro’s one by one…
1. Celebrity approved.
This Hollywood treatment is preferred by the stars. The 60 minute version of the HydraFacial is a must for red carpet regulars.
2.  It does what it says it’s going to.
HydraFacial claim: “Treatments are quick, relaxing and effective. After the treatment, the skin is radiantly clean, refined, moist and polished.”
3. Your skin will just keep on getting better.
The best way to get initial results is to book in for a course of six treatments –
one treatment per week. This will get your skin to a standard that is significantly improved. Fine lines will be diminished, hyperpigmentation less obvious and congestion cleared away. After six weeks of treatments you can have a maintenance treatment once every two months.  Concierge Spa Services offers some fantastic packages with BIG savings.  Even if you only manage this treatment once every month, your skin will thank you for it.
4. Customized treatment every time.
The HydraFacial is customized to your individual skincare needs, meaning you will get a personalized treatment suited to your skin’s requirements.
5. Visible results.
If you want squeeky clean pores that are HD ready then it doesn’t get much better. The HydraFacial literally rids you of any grime and build up – your skin will sing with delight. Lah, Lah, Lah!
Post treatment you won’t believe you are make-up free. Everyone will think you have had ‘work’ done.  You look well rested and like… well, like a ‘New You’.
The patented Vortex-Fusion® delivery system sets Hydrafacial MD® apart from other resurfacing procedures.
It is highly customized to any skin type because of its wide range of Vortex-Fusion vacuum settings. And if that’s not enough, it also helps with lymphatic drainage therapies.
Book your appointment for a “Complimentary Lymphatic Drainage FacialTherapy” today.
Call 561-506-4350. You won’t be disappointed.

Phone: 561-506-4350

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