If you are over 30 you should know about Sarcopenia:

SarcopeniaFrom the time you are born to around the time you turn 30, your muscles grow larger and stronger. But at some point in your 30s, you begin to lose muscle mass and function, a condition known as age-related sarcopenia.
Loss of muscle is an expected result of the aging process, but it is not inevitable. While nearly all adults start losing muscle mass as early as their thirties, the usual decline in strength and muscular size is largely preventable.
Maintaining muscle mass as we age should be an important part of a healthy lifestyle as it contributes to skeletal strength and helps prevent injury while maintaining a healthy body weight.
The primary treatment for sarcopenia is exercise.
Specifically, resistance training or strength training — exercise that increases muscle strength and endurance with resistance has been shown to be useful for both the prevention and treatment of sarcopenia.
Resistance training has been reported to positively
influence the neuromuscular system, hormone con-centrations, and protein synthesis rate. Research has shown that a program of progressive resistance training exercises can increase protein synthesis rates in older adults in as little as two weeks.
Jill Pacini of Palm Beach Gardens is a young and active 61 years and mother of two.  While Jill has been physically active since she was 27, making 5am runs her first priority, she has a very specific goal in mind at this point in her life, “I want to retain strength and fight the tendency to lose muscle tone and strength that naturally occurs with age”.  What Jill is referring to is the medical condition known as Sarcopenia, and we all face it.
Jill learned about Fitbella’s approach to wellness using, individualized fitness plans and resistance training from a Fitcoach while at a party.  After her free consultation and trial, Jill was sold on the Fitbella method.
The Fitbella method is unlike any other fitness program available in the area. You execute a customized personal workout inside a Fitcapsule, under the instruction of a trained Fitcoach. The Fitcapsule is a large capsule heated to 98 degrees, maximizing the benefits of reshaping and strengthening the body. Working closely with the Fitcoach, you complete a combination of targeted muscle resistance movements while the warmth activates the metabolism.  The entire routine is complete in about 30 minutes. One 20-30 minute workout in the Fitcapsule is equivalent to about an hour-and-a-half at a regular gym.
Following the workout, you relax in the Fitbath, a steam bath designed to detox, smooth, tighten and hydrate skin.  Fitbella’s approach to anti-aging, controlled and targeted muscle resistance, metabolic stimulation, and hydration is a winning combination in the fight to remain young at heart and body.
To learn more about The Fitbella Method and schedule your free consultation contact a Fitcoach at 561-775-0122.
2401 PGA Blvd., Suite 128
Palm Beach Gardens Fl, 33410
Harbour Financial Center (Carmine’s Plaza)

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