Keep Your Hearing Aids Dry in the Summer Months

By Dana Luzon Coveney, Au.D.
Board Certified Doctor of Audiology
Keep Your Hearing Aids Dry in the Summer MonthsIt’s important to clean your hearing devices every day, either before you put them in your ears every morning or when you removed them at night. Your Audiologist can instruct you on how best to clean your particular hearing aid model and will give you some small tools to brush the aid and clean ear wax from the sound bore and vent hole.
To best protect your instruments from humidity or moisture, use a DRY-AID kit or Electronic Dryer such as AGXProtect. These kits us UV lights to remove moisture that has accumulated in the instrument (from perspiration, humidity, etc.) and can extend the life of your hearing aids. Electronic dry-aid kits as well as small dry jars are available for purchase from your Audiologist. Electronic dry aids include a germicidal light that kills most bacteria and other germs, desiccants to absorb moisture, and fans to circulate air through the internal components of the hearing aids. Dry jars use the desiccant beads to draw out moisture the hearing aid has accumulated throughout the day and are typically less costly.
Now available is the AGX PerfectClean. This electronic case washes out wax, then dries then disinfects your hearing devices in a one-hour cycle. It uses a safe solution to make daily cleaning easier. Most hearing aid repairs are due to moisture and earwax accumulating in the hearing aid. The vast majority of these repairs are preventable. Hearing aids are simple to care for. Dr. Dana Luzon Coveney, Board Certified Doctor of Audiology with Audiology & Hearing Aids of the Palm Beaches recommends scheduled maintenance at the office every 3-6 months for a check up on the health of your devices.
Avoid dropping your hearing instruments on hard surfaces; the shock can damage the receiver or other miniature electronic components. Keep your instruments in their case or your dry aid kit when they’re not in your ears. It is common for hearing aids to get lost when they’re put in a pocket or purse without their designated case. It’s also not uncommon for dogs to chew on hearing aids left lying out, so keep them in a protective case to prevent damage to your devices.
Preventive maintenance is the key to longer lasting hearing aids. Well maintained hearing aids can last four to five year, so a little maintenance will go a long way! To purchase an AGXProtect or PerfectClean please call Audiology & Hearing Aids of the Palm Beaches at (561) 627-3552 and schedule an appointment with Dr. Luzon Coveney. We look forward to being your home for hearing healthcare.
Originally from Southern NJ, Dana Luzon received her undergraduate degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology from the Richard Stockton College of NJ, and continued on to receive her Doctorate of Audiology at Salus University’s residential program. Her varied clinical experiences throughout her doctoral studies include: VA hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, ENT and private practice settings. Her professional inte-rests include: audiologic rehabilitation and progressive tinnitus devices. Her interests in the field outside of the clinic include: Humanitarian Audiology, and Audiology Awareness. Dr. Luzon currently lives in West Palm Beach, FL.
Audiology & Hearing Aids of the Palm Beaches
4266 Northlake Blvd.,
Palm Beach Gardens
FL 33410

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