
By Dr. Tred Rissacher –
LaserLipoAccording to European studies, laser treatments really do stimulate weight loss.  While laser weight loss has been used throughout Europe for decades, it’s fairly new to the United States. But now, many doctors and other qualified medical professionals, who have dropped weight themselves, are believers in the benefits of laser therapy for weight loss. Dr Tred Rissacher is one of those healthcare professionals.  “When it comes to magical aesthetic or medical devices I am the biggest skeptic, I have been in practice for 25 years and seen many hoaxes come and go.  I rely on research and proven results.”  Dr. Rissacher explains he could no longer discount this technology as he followed the research studies from Europe and explored the science behind the LipoLaser technology.  “I rely heavily on clinical studies over a broad spectrum of patients to determine effectiveness, but nothing was more powerful than seeing it with my own eyes on my own body.  I lost 10-12 inches of stubborn fat around my belly in only 12 sessions in 4 weeks. Today I am wearing a size 36 pants from a huge 42. I am also 40 pounds lighter from a whopping 265lbs to a lean and trim 225lbs thanks to my ‘Ultimate Laser Assisted Weight Loss System.’  I had to bring this technology to my clients in South Florida.”
The Science behind LaserLipo
Rather than a painful incision, the Lapex 2000 LipoLaser uses laser energy to safely (and painlessly) penetrate the skin and target specific adipose (or fat) cells. It is through this targeted process that the Lapex 2000 LipoLaser is able to in fact stimulate the cell itself into releasing water, free fatty acids, and glycerol. Having released these three compounds, water, free fatty acids, and glycerol (often referred to as Triglycerides), the fat cells “shrink” significantly, resulting in inch loss for patients!
How does the Lapex 2000 LipoLaser Compare to Natural Weight Loss?
The genius behind the Lapex 2000 LipoLaser is in its ability to stimulate the release of triglycerides from the targeted fat cells. This process (release of water, free fatty acids, and glycerol from the adipose walls) is not only natural, it is essential for the human body to function.
The human body is an energy machine; it intakes fuel (caloric intake), it converts the fuel into an energy source and stores it (as triglycerides in fat cells), and then releases it when the need arises (fat cells release stored triglycerides). The challenge in this fantastic process is that sometimes the body stores more energy than it needs in its fat cells, resulting in an increase in an individual’s physical size. It’s by targeting this excess energy storage, and by further stimulating the body to undergo its natural process of releasing it, the the Lapex 2000 LipoLaser achieves its impressive results.
The Procedure:
The client chooses an area to target such as the inner thighs or abdomen. Four to eight medium sized rectangle paddles are strapped to that area, each with four holes where the laser light comes out of. Two smaller paddles are placed on areas that can stimulate your lymphatic system, often just below your underarms. The two larger paddles are moved every 10 minutes to cover the entire area you want treated. Most sessions are 40 minutes in length.
Most patients will incorporate the use of a Vibration Platform for 10-20 minutes after treatment and/or a 20-30 min light physical activity, a brisk walk or bike ride. This stimulates all cells in the body to function at a higher rate, which in turn increases the metabolism causing more fuel to burn which helps to accelerate weight loss.  This also causes increased local circulation to targeted areas, giving the visible cellulite area a “smoother” look. Waste products are expelled at a cellular, lymphatic and excretion level. This also stimulates all cells in the body, increases blood flow, oxygen intake and stimulates metabolism to help flush out toxins. Laser Lipo is shown to release 40 to 60 grams of fat during a typical 30-40 minute treatment. This represents 400-600 calories of sheer fat loss.
Is LaserLipo safe?
LaserLipo is completely safe; it engages the body’s natural process of burning fat and eliminating excess toxins.  The only side effect is smiles.
Call today for your Free, no obligation consultation with Dr. Rissacher and find out if LaserLipo is right for you. 561-962-2253 or 772-223-2253.

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