Life brings Stress, Pain and Health Issues

Isn’t it time to Fight Back? Destress, Detox, Cleanse and Rejuvenate for a Balanced and Healthy Lifestyle!

Life brings StressHave you ever taken a bite out of an apple and set it on the counter? What happens to the apple? It turns brown, right? The reason it turns brown is due to oxidation. Oxidation is caused by free radicals (positive ions) in the air, and guess what, we breathe those same free radicals. If you see what it’s doing to the apple, guess what it’s doing to you? The same thing! We also drink and eat food processed with preservatives and other chemicals which contributes to the buildup of toxins in your body. The positive ionic molecules that we breathe, eat and absorb into our cells, tissues and organs often become overwhelmed with toxins, lowering our body’s resistance level and increasing body’s chances to become susceptible to develop fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis and other immune disorders. The body must expel these harmful toxins to fight disease and to function optimally.
The organ responsible for filtering toxins is the liver. When was the last time you cleaned your filter? Can you imagine if you never cleaned the air conditioning filter in your house or the oil filter in your car? Do you think they would work properly? If you choose not to clean, or chose to ignore the liver, toxins will accumulate in it and once it becomes saturated, toxins will overflow into surrounding tissues and organs. Then, once these toxins are absorbed they prevent normal circulation and stagnation begins leading to cellular death and changing the body’s pH to become acidic. You have to eliminate the acidity and change the body’s pH to an alkaline one in order to regain health. Most health care professionals and nutritionists address this problem by recommending a colon cleansing or a liver flush, or may even prescribe something to make you you feel “more comfortable.” But think about it. If the cells of your liver and organs and surrounding tissues are clogged with toxins, how can prescribed drugs and supplements be absorbed? It’s not going to happen. If your sink is clogged, do you add more water to it hoping it will miraculously start to drain? Of course not. You have to “roto-rooter” the sink to have it drain. That is what we do, and this is how we do it. We start with a lymphatic drainage massage to increase lymphatic flow in the body, moving stagnant fluids to reduce swelling and inflammation. Next, we use the far-infrared sauna that emits waves about two inches sub-dermal into the body to stimulate cellular metabolism and breaks up water molecules which hold toxins, thus allowing the body to expel toxins through perspiration. Finally, we do the ionic detox foot bath.
A module is placed in a shallow pan of warm water with your feet. The module produces negative ions, which attract the positive ions (toxins) in our body. Your feet are used because of the abundance of sweat glands capable of allowing the ionic exchange. After thirty minutes, the water turns brown, just like the oxidized apple, and toxins have been released from your body. Your body is energized and stronger and you feel relaxed and lighter with a sense of well-being.
t. 561.689.4700
f. 561.689.9909
Reiner Chiropractic & Wellness Center
5768 Okeechobee Blvd.
West Palm Beach, FL 3341

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