Make this school year a fresh start for your waistline

Make this school year a fresh start for your waistlineSummer is almost over, leaving behind sun kissed skin, bleached locks, smiles, memories, and … unwanted pounds.  If you find your shorts fitting a bit snug and your swimsuit uncomfortable you are not alone.  Did you know most women gain weight in the summer months?  This is especially true for stay at home moms.  With months of preparing endless meals, nibbling on children’s leftovers, enjoying cookouts and little time for yourself, mom’s are at the highest risk for summer weight gain.  As you put your children on the school bus for a fresh start to the school year, give yourself the same – a fresh start to reach your health, weight, energy, and vitality goals.
If you are like many of our parents at Nuviva Medical Weight Loss, the school year offers it’s own challenges of endless schedules, on-the-go meals between homework, practices, and bedtime.  Here are 10 easy tips to keep you on your weight loss path.
1. Make yourself a priority. This is the first and most important tip to follow. Too many of us take care of everyone else and tend to neglect our own health. Make the commitment to yourself to lose weight.
2. Make water your primary beverage. You should shoot for 2 liters of water per day. Being properly hydrated will improve energy, optimize digestion and assist weight loss.
3. Stay active. Make an effort to exercise at least 3 times per week. Exercise not only burns calories but will increase your resting metabolism.
4. Make protein a staple in your diet. Ideal protein sources include eggs, chicken, fish, yogurt, lean red meat, tofu, cottage cheese and protein supplements (powder/shakes).
5. Increase the fiber in your diet. Try and consume 25-30 grams of fiber daily. Great sources would include oat bran, oatmeal, apples, pears, blueberries, strawberries, whole wheat, whole grains, broccoli and other vegetable skins
6. Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit each day. They are low in calories, high in volume and high in critically important nutrients.
7. Consume healthy fats (mono and poly-unsaturated) that help with weight loss and hormonal balance. Personally,
I prefer cold water fish, fish oils, olive oil, nuts, seeds and avocados.
8. Transform your favorite dishes into healthy options. Whether its pancakes, lasagna, or a cheesecake there are diet friendly options for everything. We have provided our clients with everything from protein pancakes, to low calorie chocolate cheesecakes.
9. Divide your meals into macronutrient groups. The typical American dinner is comprised of a protein, starch, and sometimes a vegetable. It is easy to prepare your family dinner and remove out the starch for yourself.
10. Last but not least, manage your stress. Stress increases a hormone in the body called cortisol which can cause weight gain, cravings, poor sleep, fatigue and immunosupression. Some stress management techniques include exercise, adequate sleep time, meditation, prayer, journaling and #1 … more “me” time.
If youʼre not sure where to start, and you feel like you may need some additional weight loss counseling, call us today at 561-296-3144 for your free consultation.

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