Nutrition And Health: Micronutrient Assay

By Linda A. aKiley, MD

Nutrition And Health: Micronutrient AssayEveryone knows the importance of proper nutrition in achieving and maintaining good health. While last month we discussed the importance of learning about our food sensitivities so that we may avoid foods that are not well suited to us, this month we will cover the most important end result of eating: getting those important vitamins and minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients into our bodies and our cells so they can help us function properly. A multivitamin may be helpful in improving our vitamin levels, but multivitamins are not always specific enough for each person’s needs. In my practice, I commonly see deficiencies in Magnesium, B vitamins, Selenium, Zinc, and especially Vitamin D. Although we live in Florida where the sun shines brightly, we tend to wear hats and sunscreen to protect our skin from sun damage. We may also not be absorbing dietary vitamin D well for a host of reasons, including gut inflammation. As a result, our cells are not able to function properly and we may actually be at risk for things like osteoporosis, heart disease, nerve disorders, mood problems, accelerated aging and a weaker immune system. One of the things I recommend to patients who are requesting wellness consultation is a micronutrient assay. We always learn a lot from that testing and can then customize a plan to get those deficiencies corrected. When combined with food sensitivity testing, we get an excellent idea of how to achieve our goals of reduced inflammation, better nutrient absorption, and improved well-being.

Standard blood testing for chemistry profiles and blood counts don’t look for most nutrient levels. While it is possible to get Vitamin D levels, some of the B vitamins and a few other important compounds like sodium, potassium, and magnesium on a standard blood test, these levels differ inside the cells versus in the circulating serum. Most labs only test serum levels, which don’t properly identify nutrient deficiencies within the cells. In a true micronutrient assay, the levels of a large number of vitamins, minerals and amino acids are measured both in the serum (outside of the cells) and within the cells through a special laboratory process. When there is a normal level in one compartment but not in another, we can identify additional problems to check for and create a plan to bring the numbers back into the optimal range. If the levels are low in both compartments, we know we have a lot of work to do to get those levels back to normal both inside and outside of the cells. The beauty of this testing is that it allows us to be specific in recommending supplements to optimize vitamin, mineral and amino acid levels for each individual.

A micronutrient assay is a fairly simple test which can be done either via blood draw or fingerprick. Like many other wellness services and functional medicine tests, it is not covered by insurance or Medicare. However, it is a very small investment in achieving and maintaining optimal health. When used in conjunction with other evaluation and specific lifestyle changes, it can make a significant difference in achieving proper organ functioning, a stronger immune system, and a state of wellness.

For more information about micronutrient testing, food sensitivity testing, anti-aging therapies and more, call Dr. Kiley at 561-671-0041 to get started.

Ultra Health & Wellness
Linda Kiley, MD
3375 Burns Road, Suite 204
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410

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