Patient Finds Pain Relief and New Lease on Life with MCU Treatments

Patient Finds Pain ReliefDoes the fear of one wrong move keep you from enjoying activities you used to love? Do you find yourself sitting on the sidelines and letting life pass you by for fear of waking the chronic pain you try so hard to avoid? If you are like Robert Watkins was prior to multi-cervical unit treatments, you adapt your lifestyle and learn to live with chronic pain, under the false impression that there simply is no treatment that will work for you. Chronic pain affects more than 100 million Americans each year, more than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined. Unfortunately it is not uncommon for those suffering from a chronic pain to only find temporary relief from treatment options. Some patients try so many failed treatments that they finally resign to the fact that the pain is just a part of life and they often give up doing activities they enjoy because the pain is just too much to endure.
Neck pain accounts for nearly 15% of all chronic pain diagnosis. After 3-4 weeks of pain with an injury or ongoing neck pain beyond one month, the condition is considered chronic. Chronic neck pain may result from improper treatment in the early stages of a neck injury or a condition that persists for months or years. As a result of an auto accident, Robert experienced a tremendous amount of discomfort from one bulging and four herniated discs. No matter what he tried the pain wouldn’t go away.
After attempting various unsuccessful treatments, Robert was simply amazed at the results he received from Active Health Center using the Multi-Cervical Unit. Marc A. Weinberg, DC, and his partner, Colin O. Behrue, DC, claim that patients who have tried multiple avenues of pain relief without success may be good candidates for the leading-edge MCU treatment. After completing two sequences of treatment he was amazed at how much the state-of-the-art Multi-Cervical Unit treatment finally reduced the pain he had been living with. In addition to managing the pain, and probably more important, the MCU treatments strengthened Robert’s neck muscles.
Prior to visiting Active Health Center, doctors recommended that Robert have surgery that would result in having to wear a neck brace for 90 days. Surgeons warned that if he didn’t have the surgery any fall or slight impact could leave him paralyzed. Despite the warnings, Robert opted not to have the surgery and instead went to Dr. Weinberg for treatment.
Like many, Robert was a skeptic and didn’t think that the MCU treatment would actually help. Fortunately, he was wrong. “While being treated I didn’t think it was working. The pain was being relieved but I didn’t realize that my neck was actually getting stronger until I fell and hit my face on the floor.” Robert recalls that the fall was exactly the type of impact that surgeons had warned him about that could result in paralysis. “Even though I didn’t feel my neck getting stronger, after the fall I know the MCU is the reason I am still mobile. If it weren’t for the MCU strengthening my neck muscles, I would not have been able to survive the fall as well as I did.”
Robert admits that even though he was skeptical at first, he now truly believes that the results the doctors at Active Health Center were able to produce is undeniable. “I had a lot of fear before, I wasn’t really living, I was simply going through the motions of the day afraid that one wrong move would leave me immobile. Now, thanks to Drs.Weinberg and Behrue and staff that fear is gone and I am now able to enjoy activities that prior to treatment, I was told I couldn’t do.”
Even if you have had unsatisfactory results with other treatments, there is still hope. Reduced pain and stronger muscles can result from completing individualized MCU treatment plans.
In late 2008, Active Health Center acquired the MCU II, and was the first practice in the state of Florida to treat patients using the machine. There are slightly more than one-hundred such machines in the world, and Dr. Weinberg is proud that his office can offer the MCU treatment to patients. Since providing such great results to the patients of Florida, two other offices have seen the benefits and have added the MCU technology to their offices.
MCU results are undeniable, making it a preferred treatment for professional sport athletes, major research facilities, and international military forces, including the US Air Force.
The MCU is diagnostic as well as therapeutic, reflects Dr. Weinberg. “Once we find the source of weakness in the neck, the machine goes to work. There’s no other machine out there that will actually locate the source of neck weakness as accurately and in as many directions as the MCU II does. Neck weakness is the piece of the neck pain puzzle that most other treatments mistakenly ignore, and that is why the pain frequently returns once these other treatments are stopped.”
Weinberg enthusiastically adds  “It has been very exciting. The results our patients have been experiencing have been quite remarkable. We have had a 3-4 week waiting period to get tested and treated in the MCU and to accommodate our patients we recently acquired a second MCU. It was delivered in late April.  So now we will be better able to handle the large amount of people that are in need and are desiring to get help from the MCU.”
Robert enthusiastically concludes, “The entire staff at Active Health Center did a wonderful job. If it weren’t for Drs. Weinberg and Behrue and their  team I wouldn’t be alive today. My neck is stronger than it ever was. I am a firm believer in the MCU.”
421 Northlake Blvd. Suite F – North Palm Beach

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