Physical Therapy for the Brain

Have you noticed you have difficulty hearing your family and friends in a noisy restaurant? Do you seem to have difficulty understanding certain people? Do you have difficulty concentrating in noisy situations? Even if you have hearing aids, you may need help over and above the hearing aids. You may physically hear what is being said but the brain is not interpreting that signal properly.

Physical Therapy for the BrainAuditory training is a way to fill in the gaps for both hearing aid users and non-hearing aid users. Non-hearing aid users may be experience something called “Hidden Hearing loss.”

Hidden hearing loss is a fairly new disorder, so research is minimal.

Hidden hearing loss affects one’s ability to understand speech, especially in noisy environments. These situations are also difficult when a person has a typical hearing loss and wears hearing aids. But, unlike typical hearing loss, hidden hearing loss doesn’t show up on standard hearing tests, making it challenging to diagnose and manage. It impacts both social interactions and overall quality of life, making it essential to recognize and address.

One test that is useful to determine if a person has hidden hearing loss is a test called Speech in Noise (SIN). This test measures how much difficulty a person has understanding speech in noisy situations. If a person tests normally otherwise but the speech in noise test indicates an impairment in noise, then the diagnosis might be hidden hearing loss.

How Can I Help Myself Beyond Hearing Aids?
In previous articles, we’ve discussed accessories, now we’re going to discuss brain training.

There is help available in the form of Auditory Training (also called Aural Rehabilitation). Essentially this is physical therapy for the brain. There is a new app-based program designed to help a person improve their understanding in noise. The goal of the program is to improve the listener’s ability to understand conversations in noise, keep up with fast talkers, boost your ability to remember and recall important information and overall improve your confidence when in challenging environments.

In-person Auditory training has existed for many years, called LACE (Listening and Communication Enhancement). This was a time-consuming and expensive commitment as insurance does not cover the program. Although it is a proven method for improving people’s experiences with their hearing aids, it just wasn’t practical. A new app developed by Neurotone called LACE AI Pro brings this therapy into your pocket. We are excited to offer this program to our clients and to the public at large; you do not need to be a patient with our practice to sign up for this program.

LACE AI is based on over 20 years of research. The methods used in the program are backed by scientific studies and are shown to be extremely effective when done consistently. This means you can trust that LACE AI is a proven way to help you hear better and keep your mind sharp.

Using games and listening exercises specifically designed to improve a patient’s ability to understand speech in quiet and in noise.For about 15 minutes a day, you can sharpen your listening skills, and develop strategies for complex and challenging situations. LACE AI is offering a 7-day, no obligation trial to anyone interested. If you like the program and wish to continue with the program, you will have the option to purchase a lifelong membership with a 1-time payment.

LACE AI pro is appropriate for many situations:
Hidden hearing loss
People with hearing loss but have not pursued amplification yet
New hearing aid users
Experienced hearing aid users that want to improve their performance and/or those still struggling with the hearing aids to understand speech

If you would like more information, please call us at 561-366-7219. You can also visit

Audiology with a Heart

(561) 366-7219
2324 S. Congress Ave.
Suite 2G Palm Springs, FL 33406

***LACE AI pro cannot cure hearing loss of any kind and cannot prevent dementia or Alzheimer’s. This program is designed to exercise your auditory system and cognitive system but is not able to cure or prevent a disease process.***

***LACE AI pro is only available through an authorized provider***

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