Red Light Shapes Your Future

By Susan Allen, Certified Lymphatic Therapist –
Red Light Shapes Your FutureAre you looking for a non-surgical & healthy way to lose that stubborn jiggly fat that hasn’t responded to diet and exercise? Let me introduce you to UltraSlim Red Light Therapy – the non­invasive body slimming method to remove fat, reduce inches and tighten the skin at the same time. It is the newest, most powerful body contouring system on the market and the only Red Light Therapy system that guarantees at least 2″ of fat loss after your first full body treatment – no needles, no incisions, no pain, and no recovery time!
Red Light Therapy has been used in the U.S. for over 40 years, but only recently has the technology advanced to provide for fat reduction as well as tightening and rejuvenation of the skin. The Mayo Clinic, NASA, and other leading research organizations have proven the safety and efficacy of this technology. It has been used in hospital burn units, as part of “smart liposuction”, and in non-narcotic pain relief all over the world.  It’s touted to make you look younger, feel better, and lose weight.  Does this sound too good to be true?
Let me tell you how UltraSlim works!
The fat-melting technology is based on a modulated Red Light that tricks the mitochondria in the nucleus of the fat cell into creating a transitory pore in the cell membrane, thus allowing the fatty acids and triglycerides to escape into the interstitial space. The liberated fat cell contents are then drained by the lymphatic system and processed by the liver as part of the body’s normal  course of detoxification. The pore in the fat cell will close in about 48-72 hours and the liberated contents will be expelled in the stool over the next few days, resulting in permanent fat loss without harming the fat cells.
The skin tightening technology penetrates deep into the layers of the skin, passing through the dermal layers, increasing the energy levels inside cells, and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. Red Light Therapy has been proven to reduce wrinkles, eliminate fine lines, shrink pores, diminish scars, alleviate pain, accelerate healing, and provide a multitude of other advantages. It also has been recognized as one of the safest, quickest and most affordable ways to experience dramatic anti-aging changes within the skin.  Other cosmetic benefits of Red Light Therapy include healing of blemishes, improved skin tone, fades dark spots, reduces pore size, lessens dilated capillaries, reduces crow’s feet, restores natural collagen production, and minimizes fine lines and wrinkles.
Photo Rejuvenation
We all know how damaging UV rays are for our skin, and tanning booths are just as bad.  Enter Red Light Therapy.  NASA developed LED lights to cultivate plant growth in space and, while in use, stumbled upon the fact that the astronauts were experiencing the same cell rejuvenation with the Red Light Therapy as the plants.  Since then, Red Light Therapy has taken the anti-aging and skin care markets by storm.  It’s characterized by infrared light, which has a stronger wavelength than other types of light.  This enables it to penetrate more deeply into the skin to improve not only the appearance of the skin, but the structure as well.  The best part is that red light therapy doesn’t emit any UV light.  Your skin is fighting a losing game with environmental toxins, chemicals, sun exposure and age – Red Light Therapy helps you battle these elements in a unique way.  As the light passes deep into the layers of the skin, it stimulates the growth of collagen and elastin (the stuff that makes us look younger).
Red Light Therapy can also make us feel better!  It helps to level the playing field by increasing the rate of cell rejuvenation.  It relaxes the blood cells to increase blood flow and, in turn, increase oxygen levels in the blood.  The increased oxygen levels stimulate white blood cells, which help in healing.  The increased collagen from red light therapy use aids in healing the joints and reduces inflammation, so it’s a tool physicians are increasingly using with arthritis patients.
Other Body Contouring Technologies
We know there are many other body contouring technologies to choose from, and we encourage you to research the differences – we did.  Most involve killing the fat cells with microwaves, freezing, or ultrasound cavitation. This often later creates “dysmorphic” fat accumulations in other areas of the body since the body composition has been altered, similar to liposuction. No other technology works like UltraSlim – it is faster, more effective, maintains the integrity of the cell membranes, covers a larger area, covers that area more uniformly, and does not touch the skin! UltraSlim delivers eight times more photonic energy than lasers, and no unsanitary paddles placed against your skin with Velcro straps (like cheap, ineffective imitations).
Because HoriZen Therapies is the only clinic in South Florida to also offer Lymphatic Decongestive Therapy, which ensures your lymphatic system is completely open to facilitate elimination of the fat globules released, our clients report enhanced and lasting results that cannot be achieved elsewhere.
At HoriZen Therapies, we are focused on your well­ being!  Our goal is to provide the latest, most effective and valued healing therapies to our clients, and assist them in their quest for optimum health and wellness.   Along with UltraSlim and Ultra-LDT (Lymphatic Decongestive Therapy), we also offer Hoshino Massage Therapy. Call today to book a FREE 15-minute consultation and ask about our Treatment Packages. Gift certificates are always available.

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