Relapse Prevention / Maintenance after Weight Loss

By Suheil Khuri M.D.
Relapse PreventionYou have worked hard and succeeded in losing that weight. How can you now maintain that weight for the long term? How can you prevent a relapse? Weight re-gain is very common after weight loss if self monitoring (your accountability) is ignored.
The support and encouragement that people have given you throughout your weight loss journey is not there any more. Now you need to rely totally on your own efforts, commitment and accountability to maintain that weight and prevent relapse into the old habits.
The usual pattern of weight loss in patients who undergo a lifestyle change is that maximum weight loss is achieved by 6 months. A plateau usually follows this weight loss and then gradual weight regain with time.
Here are important recommendations that can prevent a relapse and help you maintain that weight loss:
1. Feel responsible and be accountable to yourself. Follow a regular, structured behavior/habit change program that includes regular self-monitoring of your weight, food intake, and physical activity. Hopefully you have already been developing those lifestyle changes during your weight loss period and now you can carry them through for the long term.
2. Weigh yourself regularly, at least once weekly. It is expected that you will gain a few pounds on and off, but do not allow yourself to gain more than 3-5 lbs. (2%-3%) above your current weight for longer than a few days. Decrease your food intake and /or increase your physical activities to lose that extra weight again.
If you can’t get back to that maintained weight, seek a consult with your physician or the weight loss program that you subscribed to.
3. Maintain a healthy reduced calorie diet.
a. Stay away from binge eating and the temptations for eating at night. Avoid eating a few hours (2-3 hrs.) before bedtime. This allows your body to digest the food you consumed and get you to sleep better as well.
b. Avoid saturated fats, trans fats, and foods with added sugar.
c. Don’t forget the proteins, which are important to maintain/rebuild, your muscles and general health.
d. Drink a lot of water regularly. 8 oz. eight times daily at least
e. Eat healthy snacks 2-3 times a day.
4. Physical Activity. This is more important for weight maintenance than for weight loss. After you lose weight your metabolic rate (calorie burning ability) is actually decreased which makes it important for you to exercise more to achieve the same benefits you got during your weight loss period.
There is enough evidence that higher levels of physical activity, approximately 250 minutes (200-300 minutes)/week are needed to maintain lost weight and minimize weight regain in the long term.
Include resistance weight training at least 2-3 times per week.
5. Do not skip breakfast. Breakfast is the first stimulant for your body to start burning calories and should not be missed.
6. Eat meals away from home less than 3 times per week.
7. Decrease your sedentary lifestyle especially watching television to 10 hours or less per week.
8. There is evidence that your participation in a long-term comprehensive weight loss maintenance program with monthly or more frequent contact, in person or by telephone, can improve your successful weight maintenance.
9. Sleep 7-8 hours daily helps your body maintain a better health and recharges you for the next day.
Call us at Dr. G’s WeightLoss and Wellness of Jupiter for a free consult at: 561-427-2232

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