By Bruce Dooley, M.D.
For over 50 years chelation therapy has served as a highly effective and safe intravenous treatment for the elimination of toxic heavy metals, pathological calcium, and other artery-damaging chemicals from the bloodstream.
Today we attribute a great many chronic diseases to abnormal deposits of calcium, including arthritis, cataracts, diabetes, spinal stenosis, nerve entrapment, hearing loss and circulation problems. Arteriosclerosis, or arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), is the number-one killer in modern society. Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent each year on surgery and drugs due to the numerous disease entities of ASCVD.
Is YOUR Life Limited by These Health Issues?
These are just a few of the ASCVD-related health issues:
• High blood pressure
• Angina
• Impotency
• Heart Attack
• Strokes
• Memory loss
• Aneurysms
• Kidney Dysfunction
• Leg cramps/walking problems
• Hearing / Vision Loss
• Shortness of Breath
• Foot pain, Ulcerations or Coldness
• Skin / Hair Problems
• Hormone Dysfunctions
• Fatigue
Is one or more of those health concerns causing you to sit on the sidelines of life? You CAN change that!
Cell Health is Critical!
The story of how we create calcium deposits and how they can cause so many problems is a look into Functional Medicine, a field that aims to detect and correct imbalances in the body that create symptoms of disease. The health of our cells and immune system is critical to our overall health status. Our life exposures and choices can exact a terrible toll on cellular health. Free radical “hits” or oxidation stresses on the cell membranes and our energy “power plant”—the mitochondria—are primarily responsible for the weakening and eventual death of the cell. Accompanied by the deposition of calcium, the artery walls progressively stiffen and narrow and cause arteriosclerosis (ASCVD), which restricts blood flow and increases pressure.
Fatigue Is an Important Early-Warning Sign
Every second of life requires vast amounts of energy by our bodies. Just reading this requires your eyes and pupils to move, your brain to think, your diaphragm to contract, your fingers to grasp the page, etc. Trillions of cells are combusting oxygen and fuel (glucose from food) to make this energy. Your blood carries the essentials to your cells and any restriction because of ASCVD will create less than perfect energy production. That is why we consider FATIGUE as a primary early warning sign of potential ASCVD.
A Remarkable Therapy: EDTA Chelation
A safe, painless, inexpensive and very effective intravenous medical therapy reverses these pathologic calcifications, relaxing the stiff arteries, removing calcified plaque, restoring good circulation and thus cellular energy production. For over 50 years and four million patients this therapy has been used successfully, sparing patients from intrusive, painful and costly surgeries with long recovery times.
I learned about chelation (pronounced key-lation) from a patient, not from my medical school. There, I was taught that the man-made amino acid EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate) was FDA-approved only for LEAD poisoning. My teachers did not mention what a group of physicians found in the early 1960s while chelating (binding a metal to a molecule called a chelator) lead-toxic shipyard welders: Many circulation disorders resolved dramatically during or after these intravenous treatments.
It was just at this time that Dr. Denton Cooley performed the world’s first coronary artery bypass graft in Houston. This dramatic, enormously expensive and dangerous invasive operation spread like wildfire across the U.S. and beyond. Soon followed other invasive procedures that collectively combined to suck tens of billions of dollars from the health-care budget. Simple, safe, inexpensive, and effective (89% in one study of 23,000 patients) therapies like intravenous EDTA chelation were suppressed. In my years of performing chelation on over 4,000 patients (including myself and my family), I have seen many lives transformed. I thank God for sending that chelation patient into my office who showed me a way to begin again as a healer and to “Do No Harm.”
Major Study Positive on Chelation Therapy
The Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT) is a recently completed seven-year, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial funded by the National Institutes of Health and carried out by university cardiologists and experienced chelation physicians from around the United States and Canada. The results of this 1708-patient study were presented at the American Heart Association meeting in November 2012 in Los Angeles. This double-blind study (where neither the patient nor the physician knew whether the actual therapy or placebo was being administered) compared patients who were treated with medications with intravenous chelation therapy to those with medications but without chelation. All told, researchers delivered 55,222 infusions.
The study showed potentially important improvement in patients who had previous heart attacks and were already under cardiology treatment, especially those patients with diabetes. Thirty-two percent had diabetes, 68% had high blood pressure and 73% had been prescribed cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. There were 18% fewer cardiac events in the treated group and 39% fewer cardiac events in diabetics. The group treated with chelation had fewer subsequent surgeries than those who received a placebo. These findings were statistically significant, and unexpected by most cardiologists. The study also proved that EDTA chelation is safe.
If your life is limited by any of the health issues listed at the beginning of this article, then consider EDTA Chelation as a safe, affordable and effective therapy. If you currently are under the care of a cardiologist or other clinician, I would be happy to confer with them about the benefits of chelation therapy.
Bruce Dooley, M.D.
For 20 years, Bruce Dooley, M.D. has helped people with chronic health problems using the latest advances in Complementary and Integrative Medicine, which emphasizes science-based natural therapies in place of surgery and prescription medications. He brings these effective therapies to the Jupiter area at his Advanced Natural Medicine center at 561-744-2724.
For 20 years, Bruce Dooley, M.D. has helped people with chronic health problems using the latest advances in Complementary and Integrative Medicine, which emphasizes science-based natural therapies in place of surgery and prescription medications. He brings these effective therapies to the Jupiter area at his Advanced Natural Medicine center at 561-744-2724.
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