By Ronna L. Clements, Natural Health & Wellness Innovator
Beautiful skin – we all wish we had it!
Nice looking skin gives off a radiant glow – it looks healthy and having it is historically associated with beauty and attractiveness.
As we set out to achieve beautiful looking skin, we try to find that one magic cream or lotion that will bring us the results we desire. Sometimes we search for it at endless costs.
Throughout my travels and in my daily interactions, I’m often asked how I manage to keep healthy looking skin.
My answer is really quite simple.
I eat the right combination of foods, practice the right forms of exercise, get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, and remain consistent in my detoxification practices.
All of these are needed for building and maintaining beautiful skin.
However, through my research and personal experience, I will let you in on Ronna Clements’ # 1 Beauty Secret To Great Looking Skin.
What is the secret you ask?
The answer is the use of Coconut Oil.
Yes, that’s right – Coconut Oil. Simple and Natural.
This single oil works miracles in helping to achieve great looking skin and it comes in a jar for as little as $8.99.
Now this surely beats buying an Ultra Potion Facial Lotion in a high-end department store for $250 doesn’t it?
Sadly, many spend top dollar on skin care products, and truly, if we are being honest with ourselves, we must realize that these products are full of toxic ingredients. As innocent consumers, we are lured by persuasive advertising campaigns.
But in the end, good ‘ol Coconut Oil wins the race.
Coconut Oil not only makes skin look radiant, but it aids in the regeneration of connective tissue at the cellular level.
Coconut comes from a vegetable source and it is free of pesticides and chemicals. It is easily absorbed due to its molecular structure and gives the skin a soft texture.
It is used in its natural form which is unlike most other body care products.
I help people lead healthier lives through an innovative and personalized process I designed in Natural Health called The Program. The use of Coconut Oil is included in each individual’s program not only to help regenerate the skin, but to help build strong tissues throughout the body.
So, there it is.
Ronna Clements’ #1 Beauty Secret To Great Looking Skin – Coconut Oil.
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