Saying Goodbye to 2020, Setting #HairGoals for 2021

HairGoals for 2021As we get ready to close the door on 2020 and look ahead to 2021, most would agree the New Year can’t come soon enough.

It has been a challenging year. A year filled with stress, hardships, and uncertainty. We’ve been forced to sit through too many Zoom meetings and attend too many virtual celebrations.

We were forced to put our lives on hold and anything non-essential seemed to get pushed indefinitely to the back burner. While there are still challenges ahead, it is important to find ways to practice self-care – because that is something we could all use a little more of these days.

We’re all looking forward to a fresh start in the New Year and giving your follicles a boost is a great place to start.

Self-Care and More
Thinning or receding hair can be a painful process for both men and women. While it is commonly dismissed as merely a cosmetic problem, it often isn’t the physical symptoms that are hardest for patients to overcome, but instead, the loss of confidence and self-esteem that follows that is especially damaging to those afflicted.

In addition to a bevy of new and enhanced medical treatments for hair loss, the medical community is also recognizing the deep-rooted effects of hair loss. The shame and stigma that has long been associated with hair loss are slowly waning, as more physicians and patients seek to understand hair loss better and treat it as a medical condition and not just a cosmetic issue. The amazing benefits of restored confidence and well being when achieving a thicker fuller head of hair should not be underestimated.

The Gift of Healthier Hair
If you, or someone you love, had to put their hair restoration goals on the back burner this year, consider giving them “the gift of healthier hair” this holiday season. You can now shop the “Bauman eStore” for advanced and effective at-home treatments that can help you not only achieve healthier hair but get a jumpstart on your hair restoration goals – all from the comfort and safety of your own home.

Some of the exciting at-home treatment gift options available include:
Bauman “Turbo” LaserCap is the fastest, most portable, most-advanced, hands-free, cordless, rechargeable medical-grade low-level laser therapy device. The Turbo LaserCap was designed for men and women to deliver effective laser therapy for hair regrowth to the widest scalp treatment area possible in a convenient and discreet way.
The VirtualPRP™ Home Kit is the next best thing to an in-office PRP or PDOgro™ treatment and combines low-level laser therapy, stem cell technology, and potent nutraceuticals in a powerful, at-home solution. This kit allows patients to begin, or continue, their hair restoration journey without sacrificing quality and effectiveness.
The BaumanMD Nutritional Supplement Kit, which gives you a full 90-day supply of SuperBiotin as well as the BaumanMD Hair Vitamin Complex. Together, these two supplements offer an easy way to promote healthier hair from the inside-out.

If you have questions about what hair growth treatments you could be doing at home during this time (e.g., prescriptions, laser devices, vitamins/supplements, hair care, VirtualPRP™ Home Kit, etc.) please contact the office or set up a Virtual or In-Office Consultation.

Making Hair Goals for 2021
A healthy head of hair is possible – if you follow the right steps. From eating right to finding the right styling regimen, or laser therapy treatments, or advanced nutraceuticals, there are a lot of great things you can do to keep your hair strong and healthy. The first steps to fuller follicles are to assess the current state of your hair, identify any problems or risk factors, then create a plan of action that can help you get your hair back on track. For some, this is as simple as a shampoo change or daily vitamin supplement, for others, a professional medical consultation from a hair loss specialist is needed to get to the root of the problem.
If you are experiencing hair loss or thinning, contact a hair restoration physician who can work with you to determine the most effective treatment regimen for your specific needs.

Tools and Treatments Available
Today, thanks to a better understanding of the hair loss process, and a host of effective tools and treatments, we are able to protect and enhance the function of hair follicles at every stage of the process.

Advanced, leading-edge treatments that are available to help you meet your hair restoration goals, include:
Minimally Invasive, Permanent, No-Linear-Scar Follicular Unit Excision/Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant using SmartGraft®, NeoGraft®, ARTAS robotic-assisted, or the newest No-Shave VIP|FUE™.
High-Density Platelet Rich Plasma (HD-PRP) “Vampire” Hair Regrowth Therapy with Extracellular Matrix (ECM)
PDOgro™ – Implanted Polydioxanone threads for hair growth
Non-surgical 3D-Printed Hair Systems or Cranial Prostheses
Compounded Formula 82M Minoxidil – a more powerful, non-greasy Rogaine alternative
Compounded Formula 82F Topical Finasteride + Minoxidil – designed to reduce the risk of side-effects from oral finasteride (Propecia).
Low-Level Laser Therapy – FDA-cleared, drug-free, side-effect-free hair regrowth using powerful physician-only devices such as CapillusRX 312 or the Bauman “Turbo” LaserCap devices for at-home use.
Vitamins, Nutritionals & Nutraceuticals: SuperBiotin, Nutrafol & ViviscalPRO
Hair Loss Risk Management – the identification and reduction of medical and lifestyle risk factors that detrimentally impact hair growth.

Bauman Medical

For more information on the causes and treatments for hair loss, or to learn what treatment regimen is right for you, please call 561-220-3480,  schedule your consultation at

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