Walk, Run, Play Golf PAIN FREE
Harness your body’s own healing ability to restore, renew and repair. No Surgery. No Pills. No Cortisone Injections!

STOP THE PAIN AND INFLAMMATION!Simply Men’s Health REJUVAnation Medical Center, a pioneer in the emerging field of Restorative Medicine, has combined with the world-renowned Carmen Care Laser Institute. We offer the most revolutionary, cutting-edge non-invasive therapies with an 80-90% success rate treating acute and chronic pain. Despite our name, Simply Men’s Health,our REJUVAnation Medical Center division treats both men and women.


  • Knee Arthritis (even bone on bone)
  • Shoulder & Elbow Pain
  • Post Injury Arthritis


  • Tendonitis
  • Golfer’s or Tennis Elbow
  • Rotator Cuff Tendonitis or Tears
  • Muscle Bruises,
  • Tears & Sprains
  • Knee Ligament, ACL, Meniscus Injuries



  • Sciatica
  • Carpel tunnel Syndrome
  • Bursitis, Frozen Shoulder
  • Hip Pain
  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Chronic Lower Back Pain

Traditional medicine only treats symptoms with pain killers, cortisone injections etc, while the underlying condition worsens until invasive surgery is the only option to relieve your excruciating pain. In contrast, Simply Men’s Health treats the underlying cause and REVERSES chronic degenerative diseases and heals acute injuries. Specifically, we combine cutting-edge technology and Restorative Biologics using Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP), umbilical mesenchymal growth factors and RejuvaWAVE® acoustic wave therapy with Photobiomodulation (Low-Level Laser therapy) to repair, restore and renew damaged tissue.

How does EPAT Acoustic Wave Therapy work?
RejuvaWAVE® EPAT acoustic wave therapy is FDA cleared for musculoskeletal conditions. EPAT uses acoustic pressure waves to cause micro-trauma and regeneration of damaged tissue. As a result, EPAT stimulates cellular metabolism, enhances blood flow and activates the body’s ability to heal. In addition, acoustic wave therapy (often called shockwave) stimulates the growth of new blood vessels, nerves and tissues and alleviates pain and accelerates healing.

What distinguishes our treatment for acute and chronic pain?
We combine EPAT therapy with the proven, non-invasive Photobiomodulation (LowLevel Laser Therapy) which has a 90% success rate. The red and near infra-red lasertherapy light is absorbed into the cell and photons trigger the mitochondrial ATP production encouraging blood flow, increasing circulation, decreasing inflammation and stimulating cellular healing and repair. The AcousticWave EPAT works synergistically with the Photobiomodulation (Laser therapy) to improve circulation, decreaseinflammation and swelling, alleviate pain and restore and heal injured tissue.

Simply Men’s Health REJUVAnation Medical Center combines the restorative EPAT and Laser therapies,which have an 80-90% success rate in pain-relief, with restorative biologics including Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) andumbilical/placental-derived mesenchymal messaging cells and growth factors.

Enjoy your Golden Year and get back into the swing of life with RejuvaWAVE®Photobiomulation therapy and Restorative Biologic Therapy.

Both EPAT acoustic wave therapy, FDA-cleared for musculoskeletal conditions, and Laser therapy are proven, non-invasive treatments for pain with an over 80-90% success rate. When combining with Restorative Biologics, these growth and healing factors work synergistically, like fertilizer to a garden, and accelerate and enhance the anti-inflammatory pain-relief and healing and restorative capacity of the combined EPAT and Laser therapy.

If youor someone you love is suffering from inflammation and pain, give our team a call and let’s discuss the combination of treatments that are right for you. You don’t have to live in pain any more.

Simply Mens Health

3301 NW 2nd Ave, Suite 100
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Grand Opening Specials:
25-50% off all services

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