Strengthened Muscles Lead to Pain Relief

Neck PainAddressing neck muscle weakness with a leading-edge Multi-Cervical Unit enables a patient to rid herself of chronic pain and improve range of motion.
Carol Ann Kaminski certainly has her share of reasons for chronic neck pain.
“It was normal childhood use and abuse of my body – skiing, gymnastics, trampolines, and some of the other things kids do,” she reflects.
“Also, as an adult, I’ve worked at a desk for forty years,” says Carol Ann, adding that long hours at work have likely contributed to the problem.
“I work about sixty hours a week at a keyboard,” she explains.
Even through her years of hard work, Carol Ann has maintained an active lifestyle, but she adds that back and neck pain eventually made it difficult for her to enjoy some of her activities.
“I like to kayak and walk and run, but I was kind of sidelined,” she continues. “I couldn’t even do that anymore without having a problem. My back and my hip were really bothering me, and I had to stop kayaking and running. I was basically limited to walking.”
When she reached that point, Carol Ann returned to Active Health Center at Weinberg Chiropractic.
“I’d first gone to them about five years ago, and I go back whenever my body goes into what I call ‘back arrest,’” she adds with a smile.
During her recent return to the center, Carol Ann learned about a treatment that sounded like a way to improve her situation on a long-term basis.
“I found out that there might be a good opportunity for me to straighten out some of the problems I have once and for all,” she says, “because I had a lot of muscle weakness in my neck that had never been diagnosed.”
The MCU solution
Marc A. Weinberg, DC, and his partner, Colin O. Behrue, DC, notes that patients who have tried multiple avenues of pain relief without success may be good candidates for the same leading-edge treatment he offered Carol Ann: the Multi-Cervical Unit, or MCU.
“Even if you’ve had unsatisfactory results with other treatments, you can still get great results and reduced pain when the neck is strengthened in the right directions,” explains the doctor.
“In November 2008, Active Health Center at Weinberg Chiropractic acquired the MCU II, and ours was the first practice in the state of Florida to use this machine,” Dr. Weinberg proudly adds. “There are only one hundred and thirty such machines in the world, and we’re proud that we now have one in South Florida. Since bringing these great results to the patients of Florida, two other offices have seen the benefits and have added the MCU technology to their offices.”
MCU has been used by Major League Baseball, the National Football League, major research facilities, and air forces around the world, including the US Air Force.
“The MCU is diagnostic as well as therapeutic,” reflects Dr. Weinberg. “Once we find the source of weakness in the neck, the machine goes to work. There’s no other machine out there that will actually locate the source of neck weakness as accurately and in as many directions as the MCU II does. Neck weakness is the piece of the neck pain puzzle that most other treatments mistakenly ignore, and that is why the pain frequently returns once these other treatments are stopped.”
Due to his ongoing success with this treatment, Dr. Weinberg was recently asked to speak to his peers at a convention in South Carolina on the connection between chronic neck pain and neck weakness. In preparing for his presentation, he discovered an abundance of medical research that validates the importance of diagnosing neck weakness and, more importantly, the need for treatment with the MCU II.
The part of the MCU that patients use looks like a piece of Nautilus exercise equipment, and indeed it works like a weightlifting machine for the neck. However, assures Dr. Weinberg, a patient doesn’t have to be a weightlifter to use it.
“It’s easy to use and completely painless,” emphasizes Dr. Behrue, “and patients typically see and feel results within just three to five weeks.”
He adds that Carol Ann is just one of a large, growing list of MCU success stories.
“She’d been through other treatment before, so she had an idea of what to expect initially; however, once we began a customized program of strengthening and stabilization with the MCU, her progress was phenomenal.”
“There is an answer for the people who have found no solution to their neck pain because the MCU is able to isolate where the weaknesses are and then strengthen those areas,” concludes Dr. Weinberg. “It truly is the missing piece of the puzzle for neck pain.”
Amazing transformation
Carol Ann progressed by leaps and bounds, although she admits that the ease of the MCU treatment made her a bit of a skeptic at first.
“I didn’t feel like I was actually doing anything,” she recalls. “I just felt like I was doing certain motions, and I wondered, How is this going to isolate the muscle groups? How is it going to know which part of my neck to strengthen?
“But each time I went I started feeling better and better. I could hold my head up higher and stronger, my posture was improving, and I didn’t feel as tired at the end of the day. Even my sleep improved.”
Carol Ann says she was surprised by the result after completing her customized treatment plan.
“I saw a tremendous amount of improvement, and I feel that the rest of my life is going to be much better because of it. The results were astounding. I’m getting out kayaking, swimming … all those normal things again.
“It was an amazing transformation,” she emphasizes.
Now several months removed from her treatment, she still sees a continued improvement.
“They told me I would continue to feel better, and I thought, Well, I feel good now. But they were absolutely right. I don’t have the stooped shoulders anymore. I stand very tall, and I feel very light when I walk.
“It’s just an overall feeling of well-being,” reflects Carol Ann. “My body is perfectly aligned. It’s in balance now, so it’s effortless to walk, to move, to do whatever I have to do.
“I just feel better.”
She thanks Dr. Weinberg and his staff for the MCU treatment.
“Everyone there is very upbeat and positive. It’s like a family, and they really go the extra mile to make it comfortable,” she says. “And Dr. Weinberg is the reason they are that way. His personality is reflected in his practice – he really does care about his patients.
“It’s a great experience going there.”
Marc A. Weinberg, D.C.
421 Northlake Blvd., Suite F
North Palm Beach, FL 33408

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