By Alan J. Bauman, M.D. Thankfully, artificial looking “hair plugs” are a thing of the past. With today’s advanced surgical techniques and a surgeon’s artistic skills, hair transplants consistently produce undetectable natural-looking results. Hair restoration saw a game-changing revolution with the advent of the no-linear-scar Follicular-Unit Extraction or “FUE” technique, but few could have predicted the impact the procedure would …
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New Year, New You: 8 Better-Hearing Resolutions to Kick Off 2018!
By Dana Luzon Coveney, Au.D., FAAA, Board-Certified Doctor of Audiology From getting healthier, saving money, and living life to the fullest to embracing technology, exploring new places, and letting loved ones pitch in, we’re taking New Year’s resolutions to the next level with eight ideas to support your hearing health and quality of life. Here’s to making 2018 the best …
Read More »When You Still Have Pain after Spine Surgery
By Dr. Jonathan Chung I’ve seen a lot of patients with a previous history of spinal fusion. Some people feel like their life was made dramatically better by spine surgery, others feel like it didn’t have any effect at all, and some people will actually feel a lot worse. Overall, the verdict on fusion surgery seems to be pretty dim. …
Read More »Want Natural Looking Eyebrows?
Learn why Microblading is in demand Permetix Ink One of the most popular permanent makeup requests is to fill in lost eyebrows. As we age or fight disease and disorders like alopecia and cancer, our eyebrows can become thin. The eyebrow is the mainframe to our eyes and gives balance to our faces, so when the brows are diminished, getting …
Read More »How To ‘Banish Baldness’ in the New Year
By Dr. Alan J. Bauman As we kick off the New Year, many people are working hard to keep their resolutions to improve their health and appearance. For some, this means diets and gym memberships, and for others, it means not only admitting they’re losing their hair, but taking action and actually doing something about it. If you think you’re …
Read More »Warm Weather’s Negative Effects on Body Image: What Do You See In the Mirror?
By Jeannie Gedeon, MPH, RDN/LDN, CAP/ICADC As snowbirds know, in the north people wait all year for summer, which should be a time to have fun and be active outdoors; yet swimsuit season can be especially tough for those who have body image issues. Flip to the Sunshine State, where the weather is almost always warm, hot and hotter: In …
Sleep should be one of our most precious commodities, but for some people, the struggle of falling asleep and/or staying asleep and feeling rested can be a fruitless effort. Why does this happen? And what can you do? You’ve tried everything from sleeping medication, natural teas to lavender baths and soft music but nothing seems to make sleeping any easier. …
Read More »Fact or Fiction: Six Minute Hair Growth….?
For some, the idea of laser beams conjure up images of epic SciFi battle scenes. For others, lasers in medicine mean skin resurfacing or perhaps even hair removal. Today we see “lasers for hair regrowth” advertised in magazines, on TV and in our Facebook newsfeeds. Are these treatments for hair loss for real or is it just a gimmick… another …
Read More »Dysautonomia: Fatigue, feinting, and a heart racing out of control
Unless you suffer from multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or traumatic brain injury, dysautonomia is probably a word that you’ve never heard of. The problem with that, is that the symptoms of dysautonomia are probably the most difficult to deal with in when it comes to chronic illness. It’s even a condition that can exist on its own. The …
Read More »Combating Holiday Stress:
Become More Emotionally Intelligent During the time in between Thanksgiving and the New Year many people have a predisposition to feel overwhelmed and/or over committed, worried about finances with gift giving, the abundance of food/alcohol/sweets leading to over indulgence and weight gain, or maybe tension with specific family members. These triggers can often overlap as well. This can create a …
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