The Reliable, Healthy Way to Whiter Teeth

The Doctors at Advanced Dentistry South Florida
The Reliable, Healthy Way to Whiter TeethA vast majority of us would prefer to have whiter teeth. While there are many options today to make this possible, it can be a very difficult decision for a patient to make and choose the way that is best for him or her, not to mention knowing the genuine, healthy way to whiten your teeth.
There are plenty of whitening treatments being offered on TV, in pharmacies, shopping malls and in beauty salons. Even cruise lines are getting ‘on board’ with providing teeth whitening treatments.Wow, talk about impulse buys, huh?
Regardless of what you are told, there is no place safer or more predictable than in your dentist’s office. Your knowledgeable, experienced dentist will get the best results and prevent any possible negative side effects that might occur while having the treatment done by someone other than a dental professional. Your dentist will also make sure that choosing a particular whitening treatment is indeed the best treatment for you.
My favorite method of whitening is performing the in-office Zoom! treatment for our patients. The Zoom! treatment not only gets the best results,but lets us control the results of our patients as well.
After your initial treatment and visit, whitening trays are createdfor you to use at home as part of this proven whitening treatment. No matter what anyone tells you, the results will, in fact, change over time. Similar to when you color and bleach your hair, your teeth also need periodic touch ups over time. This time period will certainly vary for each patient, so when you have the trays as part of the whitening treatment, you indeed have a full service system that allows you to perform touch ups very easily.
A great tip to make sure your teeth maintain that pearly white appearance is to keep a diet free of foods and drinks that may stain the teeth, like coffee or soda. However, that’s a recommendation most coffee lovers would avoid. If you are one of many who can’t see yourself sticking to this type of diet, make sure you take a travel toothbrush with you so you can brush your teeth directly after sipping that much needed coffee.
A new whitening treatment recently introduced in our own office is ourin-office procedure we so aptly dubbed,“Express Whitening.”Express whitening only takes 15 minutes and it is giving us excellent, instant results, which patients love. It’s quick, it’s easy and it’s painless, which are the 3 things we alllove to hear.
We have been performing whitening procedures for so long while getting such great results. Being an authority on teeth whitening allows us to offer the advice you need in order to get the maximum effect from this new method and others.
You need a team of highly skilled doctors to recommend various over the counter products on that work well for your teeth in order to help you maintain that remarkable new white smile. Don’t go it alone and waste money on products you don’t need, or products that don’t work. All you’ll end up with are empty pockets and teeth that haven’t whitened one bit.
If you are looking for the best way to whiten your teeth and bring out your best smile,or if you have any questions or concerns about which treatment is best for you, contact your dental professional immediately and get the answers you deserve. Your overall health is most important, so be sure to choose a dentist that has your well-being at the very top of his or her list.
Now go out there and find your whiter smile today. There is no reason to wait!
The Doctors
at Advanced Dentistry South Florida
Official dentist of FAU Athletics
and the US Olympics
Advanced Dentistry South Florida has been named “Best Dental Practice in Delray Beach” for 2013, 2014 and 2015 by Sun Sentinel Delray Forum readers and has been named “Best Place to Work” for 2015.

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