The Worlds Stage:

An Integrated Multi-Sector Health Event, Free to Attend  from the Comfort of your Home or Office

Let’s create a people to people solutions network and put our health in our own hand.

By Steven Jay

The Worlds StageAs personal technology continues to advance in Lightning speeds,  it is a belief we can utilize personal tech and the applications it provides us with to make tremendous transformations in personal health and wellness, education and business, the sustainable development of smarter communities all dedicated to an empowered global citizenry with ethical leadership at its helm.
With this in mind, The Worlds Stage Public Health Conferences and Exposition has been created and progressive minds from around the region and the companies that are catering to them will all be in attendance.   It is the vision—and core mission of THE WORLDS STAGE ( to clearly demonstrate concrete ideas into actions that everyone can take to enable healthier individuals, healthier communities and a healthier planet.  And we’re not just talking about physical health—but add to this—emotional health, spiritual health, financial and economic health, community health, empowered education—as they all work hand-in-hand are clearly integrated with each other.
The Worlds Stage events are free to attend—and from the comfort of your home or office, these events are created as personal media experiences and are held over three weekends—During the first three weekends of November, (Nov 1-2, 7-9 and 14-16) and will feature a wide array of diversified experts in their fields plus an online exposition of products and services complete with the benefits of each product and detailed information concerning their IMPACT on your life.
The efficiency and productivity of two of society’s most important sectors are held back due to organizational bureaucracy and paperwork coupled with the egotistic stranglehold these organizations place on enabling thriving societies.  According to Craig Mundie, Senior Advisor to the CEO of Microsoft, “The reason these two sectors have been resistant to change is because in almost every country they are controlled by the government,” Mundie said in an interview at the Techonomy 2013 conference. “As a result, they don’t have a profit mode that drives them in the way that business is naturally driven.” As we move globally towards lower-cost connectivity, the ground is laid for “transformation,” but overcoming the obstacles posed by government will be challenging.
The bright light at the end of the bureaucratic tunnel is a people empowered evolution of how we take matters into our own hands.  It is possible—and probable—that we can redefine our health and wellness systems by moving away from industry’s treating illness into societies that try to prevent illness.  The knee-jerk reaction of Industrial Age medicine “Someone’s sick! Fix it! Get Paid!” can evolve to enabling individuals and the communities  they live and work in to become healthy individuals so that they are productive members of an enriched community.   By helping people to become healthy individuals and contributors to their communities we can enable a brighter world.  As the health of the individual contributes to the health of the community, isn’t it more feasible—and more of a priority to enable healthy and happy communities and societies that flourish by working together as part of the whole system?
Mark Bertolini, CEO of Aetna writes in Techonomy:    “Finally, technology is beginning to accelerate a radical transformation. From motion-sensitive wristbands that track steps and sleep patterns to apps that allow you to schedule a flu shot at a walk-in clinic, the integrated digital experience is arriving. Consumers are responding to the availability of convenience and control that allows them to manage their personal healthcare. Over time, we believe that consumers, actively involved in managing their own health, will lead to healthier communities, a healthier nation, and even a healthier world.”
Moving away from the Industrial Age systems which do not support the individual or the community requires something radically different than reforming the system. It requires replacing the systems with services that truly provide service to the individual and the communities.    This will enable a thriving world—a happier world, and by introducing integrative health and wellness into everyday routines must replace existing systems in order to enable a healthier world.
But this requires more than just an understanding of integrative health and wellness. It will require the understanding of integrative knowledge—knowledge that enables the individual as well as community to have a clear understanding on how all systems work together—as whole systems—and this approach of Whole Systems Thinking will enable a better outcome for us all.
One can take a good look at how our human bodies work—and how our circulatory, pulmonary, nervous, skeletal, muscular and glandular systems all work together.  Just like the parts of an automobile, by making an adjustment to one part of the system, other parts might become affected, so having an Integrative approach to thinking—and action—will need to be accepted by the masses.
As many people tend to blame the media or the government, the banksters or Wall Street for the problems we tend to accept as the norm—we can collectively take responsibility for the environment we are in and with that understanding, turn it around ourselves.
We have the tools. We have the technology. We have the collective discontent for what isn’t working.  We hope that we can have the collective wisdom to accept that we can, if we choose to—turn the system around ourselves.
Here’s why—and how:
There is considerable promise and potential to make a transformation in citizens’ role in public services.   We will co-create a framework here to establish appropriate mechanisms, structures, processes, tools and technologies, and incentive systems will advance this objective.
People will have to take the lead by sharing their opinions on what programs they feel will be of the most benefit to them.  By inviting the public to take part in shaping a better system, we can improve the quality of life and the quality of our communities….not just in America, but around the world. But it must start with main Street First. Not Wall Street. Not K Street. But John Q. Public must take an active role in voicing their desires so that we can enable efficient systems.

You’re Invited
To find out about new advancements
in personal health, healthcare and wellness
at a very special live interactive

Three weekends in November
(Nov 1-2, 7-9, 14-16)
Register at
or email us at

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