They Never Taught Me This in Medical School!

By Bruce R. Dooley, M.D. –
They Never Taught Me This in Medical SchoolThey never taught me that most people are more concerned with servicing their car before a long trip so they don’t break down in the middle of nowhere, than they are about servicing their body for the (hopefully) long trip called LIFE. In fact we really never were taught wellness and prevention, which, sadly, I understand remains the case today.
My Eye-Opening Helicopter Story
I learned firsthand about the disconnect between caring for a machine vs. man some years ago when I first became a helicopter pilot.  I was flying with Terry, the chief helicopter mechanic, on a routine maintenance check.  It is mandatory by Federal Aviation Administration rules that every 100 hours of flying time the aircraft get a complete inspection to “preclude significant failures of systems and structures, and to maintain the aircraft in an airworthy condition.”  The law is intended to make sure aircraft are in top shape and don’t come crashing to the ground.
After our flight Terry wanted to know more about preventive medicine, the type of medicine I practice, which focuses on preventing illness rather than waiting to treat it with drugs and surgery after the fact. I gave him the analogy that in medical school, we were taught to stand at the bottom of the cliff, if you will, waiting for the car crash (illness), so we could diagnose it, prescribe medications and/or surgery and testing, and fix what we could.
That concept did not make any sense to me so I shifted my focus and philosophy to instead stand at the top of the cliff and wave people away from the brink.  Prevention, in actuality. I had to retrain myself entirely for this new role.
I told him some of the most powerful ways to protect and promote health included good nutrition, high-dose vitamin and mineral IV therapy, stress reduction and EDTA Chelation Therapy, a highly effective and safe intravenous treatment for the elimination of toxic heavy metals, pathological calcium and other artery-damaging free radicals from our tissues and bloodstream.  Terry listened attentively and then said, “Wow, doc that is really interesting.  If I ever get sick, I’m gonna come talk to you about that therapy.”
His comment didn’t register until I was out over the Everglades, grateful to know I was flying in a healthy helicopter, and the irony of what he said hit me:  Here was a man whose whole career was committed to PREVENTING catastrophic problems through CONSTANT MAINTENANCE of machines, but he couldn’t see how that applied to his own life. He was content to wait until HIS machine sputtered and crashed before taking action, which it did several years later when he became terminally ill with cancer.
That “Don’t fix it if it ain’t broke” mentality is pervasive in our “disease-care” medical system, where illness pays and prevention does not.  And medical insurance goes right along with that, paying for sick bills and prescription drugs, but not for anything to do with true prevention. That is why the system is bankrupt and so expensive. Add to that the endless ads for over-the-counter and prescription medicines promising to fix everything from hangnails to depression.  It makes it look so simple – just take a pill and your health worries are over.  Or maybe people think if they don’t have any real health problems they must be doing okay – even if they’re eating junk food, are overweight, have no energy, worry a lot and pop aspirin and antacids all day. After all, doesn’t everyone feel like that as they get older?
Remembering Jack
No, they don’t!  Being free of symptoms isn’t the same as proactively creating and maintaining optimal health and vitality. One of my heroes is fitness legend Jack LaLanne, who ate healthfully and exercised daily and left a legacy of amazing physical feats.  Like celebrating his 80th birthday by swimming 1.5 miles in Long Beach Harbor while towing 80 rowboats with 80 people while handcuffed and shackled!  “Look, I did these feats to show that anything in life is possible,” LaLanne said. “All of us can be much better than we are.”
His message: Making lifestyle changes can promote a vast separation between chronological and biological age!  He was proof — he lived to be nearly 100 vibrant, happy, healthy, active years old. Thank you, Jack!
Make an investment in yourself!
We buy all kinds of things and spend money on trips and invest in financial instruments. But what about your true health? If you are relying on the disease care/insurance system to promote a long and healthy life, think again. It is never too late to take action.
For 20 years Dr. Dooley has helped people with chronic health problems using the latest advances in Complementary and Integrative Medicine, which emphasizes science-based natural therapies in place of surgery and prescription medications.  At his Advanced Natural Medicine center in Jupiter, FL, he educates people to help themselves through free weekly health talks. All qualified attendees are entitled to a complimentary 20-minute medical consultation with Dr. Dooley, as well as a copy of his latest book on the remarkable benefits of EDTA chelation therapy. Please RSVP to 561-744-2724.
“For 10 years my arthritis was bad and getting worse. After chelation my arms, shoulders and hands are loose and I have feeling in them again. My legs are loose and I can stand up and walk without pain for the first time in years. Chelation is what has accomplished this miracle!“- Robert Cunningham
“I was in terrible pain with an autoimmune disease for over a year and couldn’t get out of bed. The doctors gave me little hope and had me on many drugs. I just got worse until they wanted to pump me full of steroids. I said ‘NO!” and instead I chose chelation. Soon after starting chelation I noticed improvement for the first time and continued to improve until the disease is completely gone! Now I work full time, play with my kids and look and feel so healthy. Chelation saved my life!“ – Margaret Feldman
“I was diagnosed with intermittent claudication, couldn’t walk more than 100 feet without severe pain in my calves, and my sleep was disturbed by excruciating pain. Since taking chelation I can now play my golf game without pain, walk longer distances, sleep all night, and I look and feel better. Chelation therapy has turned my life around!“ –Edward Ott
Upcoming Health Talks with Dr. Dooley
Discover Your Inner Jack LaLanne
Wednesday, May 8             6:30 pm
Life After Prescription Medications – Healthier & Cheaper!
Wednesday, May 15           6:30 pm
10 Tips for Living Longer & Better
Wednesday, May 22            6:30 pm
Lowering High Blood Pressure, the Slow, Efficient Killer
Wednesday, May 29            6:30 pm
Reduce YOUR Odds of Being a Dementia Statistic
Wednesday, June 5              6:30 pm
240 W. Indiantown Rd. #102
Jupiter, FL 33458

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