By Michael Cohen, Founder, Center for Brain –
If you’re like many struggling with chronic pain, of any kind, you’re always looking for something that can help. Even healthcare professionals know chronic pain is tough to deal with, and the lack of effective treatment options can be frustrating. Most people don’t want to be on pain medications their entire life, but don’t see effective options.
I am always researching new technology and treatments to help my clients suffering with chronic pain. I was quite intrigued when a colleague contacted me after attending a conference in Europe. She was excited about a new technology available to treat her clients with chronic pain and struggling to get off pain medications. She had tried the technology herself on several occasions and was astonished how great she felt.
High Tech Healing
She introduced me to the developer of the technology, who was visiting South Florida. Gabor has a unique approach to helping pain by using the body’s ability to heal itself. Drawing on his acupuncture and naturopathic background, he combined 25 years of cutting edge research in bioresonance with biofeedback. I’ve worked almost 20 years in this field, and this was different than anything I’d heard of, or seen. We arranged to try this technology at Center for the Brain for 6 weeks.
For me the proof is in the pudding. Many options sound effective in theory, but my criteria for services to clients is: 1) does it work consistently. 2) even if it works, do the effects sustain over time. The answer is yes and yes. Take it from our patients at Center for the Brain – this treatment has revolutionized how we treat chronic pain and other complex health ailments.
BioRegulation therapy – in overly simplistic terms, helps the cells in the body communicate better – they develop greater coherence. The developer Gabor said, “as body cell communication improves, it helps people feel better, it gives the body a chance to heal.”
Help for Pain
Since this technology is non-invasive, has no side effects, and has shown impressive clinical results in Europe we tried the treatment with several patients coping with chronic pain. We found the more consistently they use BioRegulation therapy, the more impressive their results. Meet a few of our patients and outcomes they experienced.
HIP PAIN. Roger* had hip replacement surgery with complications 7 yrs ago. During that time he was treated for cancer and had a second hip replacement. Roger had been coping with chronic pain ever since and tried many different therapies. At the time he began BioREG treatment he was being treated with neurofeedback training at our center and noted definite improvements. But it was a slow process.
Once we added BioREG therapy to his treatment, he noticed immediate results that astonished both Roger and us at Center for the Brain. After his 1st treatment he noticed less pain and discomfort immediately, which was very unusual. 3 days post treatment Roger reported NO PAIN for 2 days. After the next session, he reported 5 days with no pain. Roger has made incredible strides. His rapid progress was quite surprising and upon his case review we realized the combination of the neurofeedback and BioREG therapy boosted his progress rapidly.
BACK PAIN. Ed*, a client in his 60’s, experienced chronic back problems for many years. The only treatment that worked for Ed, periodic cortisone shots and rhizotomy procedures (a procedure that destroys nerves contributing to pain). Ed wanted a less invasive and effective treatment option.
After his first two sessions with the BioREG, Ed noticed less pain, more flexibility, and overall comfort. After several more sessions of BioREG and neurofeedback, he is now back playing golf – and has not needed any injections or other procedures for several months. His wife notes his current activity level would have required days of recovery at best.
PAIN and CHRONIC FATIGUE. Debby* has been coping with fibromyalgia, chronic pain and chronic fatigue for years. Debby has tried virtually everything with minimal effect. After her first session with BioRegulation therapy and neurofeedback, she noticed less agitation and more inner peace. Her husband noticed an immediate energy boost. She’s now able to take walks, and feels a sense of happiness she’s not sure she’s experienced before. She reports feeling lighter and more alive.
Tapping Into the Body’s Ability to Heal
What is BioRegulation? In simple terms it taps into the body’s own healing system at the cellular level. It is completely non-invasive and has no side effects, besides feeling better. This treatment provides the body feedback through its own natural cellular communication. It helps the body adapt and cells to communicate better. This is when healing and more efficient function occur.
Treating Problems Other Than Pain.
Center for Brain Training is one of the first centers in the US to make this available. If you are suffering from pain or illnesses such as Lyme’s disease, mold exposure, mood swings or inflammation call us to learn more about treatment that can help reduce discomfort and prompt your body to heal itself. *Names changed to protect patient privacy Michael Cohen, President and Founder of the Center for Brain Training is one of the leading experts in brain biofeedback. For 16 years, he’s taught courses and provided consulting to MD’s and mental health professionals around the world, helping them incorporate new biofeedback technologies for chronic pain, anxiety and mood disorders, ADHD and neurological problems.
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